Continuous monitoring of surface water and pore-water depth, salinity, and temperature, soil temperature and meteorological data in several estuary systems across Cape Cod to examine environmental geochemistry and health of the estuary.
Outer Cape Estuaries, Massachusetts, United States
Field work and data collection for this activity has been completed and data have been released in Science Base.
Info derived
Time-series sensor data including water depth, salinity, and temperature, soil temperature, PAR and meteorological data.
Field activity is part of an ongoing investigation and environmental monitoring program around Cape Cod.
Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2016-016-FA
Continuous monitoring data from Great Barnstable Marsh on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2017-19. Includes measured parameters for groundwater wells (water elevation, water depth below land surface, salinity, and water temperature), soil and air temperature, and other meteorological parameters. Includes 5 separate data files.