Field Activity 2017-303-FA

Identifier 2017-303-FA
Alternate names 17CCT01
Purpose To deploy sediment tracers and sediment traps at erosion monitoring sites within Grand Bay marshes.
Location Grand Bay, MS
Summary marsh surface sediment deposition and sediment tracers movement
Info derived Marsh surface elevation, water level readings, sediment plates, surface sediment samples
Comments Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2016-358-FA
FWS SeaArk Jon Boat
Jon Boat owned by USFWS
Chevy Suburban Silver
Start St Petersburg, FL 2017-01-17
End St Petersburg, FL 2017-01-21
West -88.4564209
East -88.36181641
North 30.43683405
South 30.33391864


600 Fourth Street South
St. Petersburg, FL33701-4846
(727) 502-8000
Principal investigators Kathryn SmithNicole S Khan
Crew members
Kathryn Smith
Scientist, Staff
Joseph F Terrano
Scientist, Staff
Chelsea A Stalk
Scientist, Staff
Nicole S Khan
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Chelsea A Stalk
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Environmental Data, Location-Elevation, Sampling
Data type: Tide, Turbidity, Wave, Benchmarks, Geology

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Surface grab sampler Marsh surface sediments were scraped into a 50mL test tube. Biology, Geology (no data reported)
Sediment Trap A ceramic tile is attached to the marsh surface using PVC pipe in order to sample marsh sedimentation Geology (no data reported)
Water Level Recorder A Solinst waterlevel logger Benchmarks (no data reported)
Other Unknown, Meteorology, CTD, Temperature, pH, CO2, Radon, Conductivity, Current, Dissolved Oxygen, Turbidity, Fluorescence, Wave, ORP, Tide, Methane, Depth, Light, Nitrate, Gas Hydrates, Density, Sediment Properties, Osmometic Pressure, Chlorophyll, Nutrients, Pressure (no data expected)
Choke Ring Antenna Benchmarks, Navigation (no data expected)


Samples collected during this field activity