Field Activity 2019-624-FA

Identifier 2019-624-FA
Also known as GO SARS 2019 Lokis and NPD
Purpose Sediment geochemistry of hydrothermal and pelagic sediments
Location Arctic Mid Atlantic Ridge
Summary 14 push cores collected from NPD 72.75N (5 cores, 2 bags) and Loki's Castle (7 cores, 3 w/ core catchers)
Info derived CT scan, XRF, XRD, TOC/TIC
Comments This cruise follows Field Activity 2018-691-DD; however Amy Gartman will attend field work this year and collect samples, as opposed to 2018-691-DD, which had no USGS attendees and just donated samples. However location and sampling plan are the same.
Aegir 6000
Designed for operation from both RVs G.O. Sars and Kronprins Haakon (using the latter’s moon-pool when operating in ice-covered water).
G.O. Sars
RV “G.O. Sars” was delivered in 2003 and is owned by the Institute of Marine Research (75%) and the University of Bergen (25%). The main operating areas are the Barents Sea, the Norwegian Sea and the North Sea. The vessel has also carried out trips to the Mid Atlantic ridge and to the Antarctic. “G.O. Sars” is equipped for all types of marine research and can handle ROV Ægir 6000, AUV Hugin and Calypso giant piston corer.
Start Tromso, Norway 2019-06-18
End Tromso, Norway 2019-07-04
Days in the field 16
West 8.1661
East 8.1611
North 73.5678
South 73.5668


Principal investigators Amy Gartman
Crew members
Amy Gartman
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Amy Gartman
Specialist, Information
Affiliate principal Eoghan Reeves; John W. Jamieson

Data types and categories

Data category: Location-Elevation, Sampling, Other
Data type: Navigation, Geology

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Push corer Surveys (geochemical), Surveys (biological), Biology, Geology (no data reported)
Other Unknown, Profiles, Transects, Benchmarks, LIDAR, Navigation (no data reported)


Samples collected during this field activity