Field Activity 2021-037-FA

Identifier 2021-037-FA
Purpose Multi Beam Echosounder Testing
Location Falmouth, MA
Summary The USGS surveyed two areas in Woods Hole, MA to test the capabilities of a multibeam echo sounder. Eel Pond, the safe harbor in Woods Hole as well as the area around the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) dock were surveyed using the USGS Woods Hole Reson T20R multibeam echo sounder on 11-10-2021 aboard the R/V Rafeal. Depth soundings as well as acoustic backscatter were collected using the T20R, sound velocity of the water column was collected using an AML-3 sound velocity profiler.
Info derived Bathymetric Surface, Acoustic Backscatter
Comments The area was successfully surveyed in a single day.
25 feet
Start Falmouth, MA 2021-11-10
End Falmouth, MA 2021-11-10
Days in the field 1
West -70.674708
East -70.668386
North 41.527623
South 41.521177


384 Woods Hole Road
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA02543-1598
(508) 548-8700
Principal investigators William W DanforthEric MooreCharles R WorleyAlexander R Nichols
Crew members
William W Danforth
Scientist, Staff
Eric Moore
Scientist, Staff
Charles R Worley
Scientist, Staff
Alexander R Nichols
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
William W Danforth
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Sonar, Location-Elevation
Data type: Sound Velocity, Multibeam, Navigation

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
POS-MV Vessel navigation and attitude data were acquired using an Applanix POS MV Wavemaster (model 220, V5) located in the Rafael cabin, with data coming in from an inertial measurement unit and two GNSS antennas. Data were monitored using Applanix POSView software. Navigation (no data reported)
Sensor - SVP Sound velocity profiles were collected by hand deploying the AML-3 sound velocity profiler over the aft port side gunwale of the Rafael. The profiler was lowered through the water column to the sea floor. Sound Velocity (no data reported)
Reson T20-P Multibeam echo sounder (MBES) bathymetry and backscatter data were collected using dual-head Teledyne T20-R sonars connected to the topside Teledyne Integrated Dual Head (IDH) processor. The sonars were attached to a bracket mounted to a pole which was deployed over the aft starboard gunwale. Data from the sonars were transmitted via cables to a monitoring workstation located in the cabin of the Rafael. Multibeam, Water column reflectivity 3


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
2021-037-FA_ResonT20R_Backscatter_50cm Reson T20-P Multibeam backscatter data collected in the vicinity of Woods Hole, Massachusetts, during USGS Field Activity 2021-037-FA using a dual-head Teledyne Seabat T20-R multibeam echo sounder (8-bit grayscale GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 19N, WGS 84, 50-cm resolution) Eric Moore
2021-037-FA_ResonT20R_Bathymetry_50cm Reson T20-P Multibeam bathymetric data collected in the vicinity of Woods Hole, Massachusetts, during USGS Field Activity 2021-037-FA using a dual-head Teledyne Seabat T20-R multibeam echo sounder (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 19N, WGS 84, GEOID 18 (MSL) Vertical Datum, 50cm resolution) Eric Moore
2021-037-FA_ResonT20R_Tracklines Reson T20-P Trackline navigation collected in the vicinity of Woods Hole, Massachusetts, during USGS Field Activity 2021-037-FA using a dual-head Teledyne Seabat T20-R multibeam echo sounder (Esri polyline shapefile, UTM Zone 19N, WGS 84) Eric Moore


Samples collected during this field activity