Field Activity 2023-003-FA

Identifier 2023-003-FA
Alternate names MRDF
Purpose Geophysical mapping of the Mississippi Delta River Front
Location Mississippi River Delta Front, Gulf of Mexico
Summary Collected 4,277 linear kilometers of Dual-head Reson T20P multibeam bathymetry, 3,623 kms of EdgeTech 512i seisemic reflection, and 3,325 kms of Geoeel multi channel seismic reflection data covering approximately 738 square kms in depths from 16 to 413 meters during 26 days of 24-hour operations.
Info derived Bathymetry, backscatter, seismic reflection
Comments Leg 1: Sept 3-18,Chaytor, Andrews, Baldwin, Worley, Danforth, Moore, Foster, Stalk (SPCMSC) Leg 2: Sept 18-30, Brothers, Worley, Ackerman, Berube, Foster, Nichols, Farmer (SPCMSC), Damour (BOEM)
Start Cocodrie, LA 2023-09-01
End Cocodrie, LA 2023-09-30
Days in the field 303
West -89.56162834
East -88.77113049
North 29.25179231
South 28.75688371


384 Woods Hole Road
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA02543-1598
(508) 548-8700
Principal investigators Jason Chaytor
Crew members
Eric Moore
Scientist, Staff
Laura Brothers
Scientist, Staff
David S Foster
Scientist, Staff
Seth Ackerman
Scientist, Staff
Wayne E Baldwin
Scientist, Staff
Brian Andrews
Scientist, Staff
Charles R Worley
Scientist, Staff
Patrick Berube
Scientist, Staff
Alexander R Nichols
Scientist, Staff
Chelsea A Stalk
Scientist, Staff
Andrew S Farmer
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
David S Foster
Specialist, Information
Wayne E Baldwin
Specialist, Information
Brian Andrews
Specialist, Information
Affiliate principal Melanie Damour (BOEM)

Data types and categories

Data category: Sampling, Seismics, Sonar, Environmental Data
Data type: Geology, Multibeam, Boomer, Sub Bottom Profiler, Multichannel, Sound Velocity, Depth

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Reson T20-P Multibeam, Water column reflectivity (no data reported)
S-Boom seismic source Boomer (no data reported)
Edgetech chirp subbottom profiler 512i Sub Bottom Profiler (no data reported)
GeoEel digital streamer Boomer, Multichannel, Sparker, Air Gun / Water Gun, Bubble Gun (no data reported)
AML MVP30 Sound Velocity (no data reported)
RBRsolo-D depth logger Depth (no data reported)


Samples collected during this field activity