To collect samples of mesophotic and deep-sea corals for microbial ecology studies
Gulf of Mexico
Info derived
Microbial diversity (via DNA sequencing and cultivation)
First leg of cruise is 6/28 to 7/13 and will be staffed by Kellogg; then Evans will go on next leg from 7/14 to 7/30. Platform is NOAA's R/V Pisces. Vehicle will be packed with all necessary gear for both legs and remain in Pascagoula during cruises so that we don't need two separate vehicles. SALT5 cruise: R/V Point Sur (LUMCON) during the month of October, 2023.
Revisiting area for second survey to collect additional data. Samples and results will be combined with data collected in July 2023. Survey platform will be LUMCON's R/V Point Sur.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA)