To characterize the beach and nearshore morphology and evaluate the USGS Total Water Level and Coastal Change Forecast. Use of CoastCam camera station(s) to visualize and map the beach and nearshore region to determine the types of bar morphologies, their persistence and temporal variability, and the relationship of these changes to wave and water-level conditions. Meteorlogical measurements will be made at the CoastCam location to supplement data on nearshore circulation processes, especially during the summer-early fall deployments that overlap with the shark behavior research.
Head of Meadow Beach, Cape Cod National Seashore, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States, Atlantic Ocean
CACO Camera 1 collected 11,636 images (2.6 GB) from Jan 3 to March 22, CACO Camera 2 collected 11,612 images (3.0 GB) from Jan 3 to March 22. Images were not collected each day within this range, see AWS storage for more details.
MET station was turned off at 15:02 on March 14th, 2024. Data was collected from Jan 1 to March 14.
Info derived
Periodic trips to maintain CoastCam CACO-01 and meteorological station at Head of Meadow Beach, Truro, MA on Cape Cod National Seashore as part of this ongoing project.
These are recurring trips for the duration of the year 2024 to maintain CoastCam CACO-01 and weather station at Head of the Meadow Beach as part of this project.
Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2021-013-FA.
Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2022-009-FA.
Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2023-005-FA.
Eric Marsjanik serviced the camera system. Removed window from the C2 Camera housing and replaced desiccant. Re sealed cable gland at the back of camera housing with sealant preventing water intrusion. Verified voltage on charging system was 12.5VDC. System is 100% operational.
Eric Marsjanik cleaned salt spray from camera lenses
Personnel: Bo, Steve, and Olivia. Downloaded met station data. Removed met station because of limited accessibility during plover season. It will be deployed to a new location in the future.
Eric Marsjanik went to the camera system at Head of the Meadow Beach to perform a general health check and clean camera lenses. System voltage 12.78VDC, operating as normal
Eric Marsjanik went to the camera at Head of the Meadow Beach to troubleshoot the lack of new images being uploaded. Found the ethernet switch to be faulty and replaced with a spare. Repaired a corroded connector on the solar panel. System is operational and batteries should charge to 100% by end of day. Current voltage is 11.24V.
Modem in camera has been disabled by ATT due to unauthorized access from outside sources. As per IT in Reston the ODROID operating computer and modem were removed so they can be sent to IT in Reston for a forensic analysis.
Eric Marsjanik and Athina Lange went to Head of the Meadow Beach to reinstall the ODROID computer and modem to get the system operational after testing by IT in Reston. Components were installed but the camera is NOT operational. Will troubleshoot further at a future date.
Demobilizing HoM camera. Uninstalling and removing all equipment at site. Crew: Sherwood, Over, Suttles, Bales