Field Activity 2024-024-FA

Identifier 2024-024-FA
Alternate names 2024 Fall and Winter Cape Cod National Seashore UAS storm response
Purpose To collect pre and post elevation data after fall and winter storms at the CoastCam equipment.
Location Marconi Beach
Summary The first collection in September used the Skydio - nadir images were mapped and then an oblique set was mapped my hand. The October collection used the YSMP to collect lidar and images. AeroPoints were placed on the beach using an USV. An Emlid Reach RS3 was used to collect GPS data.
Info derived elevation profiles, photos for structure-from-motion, lidar data
Comments Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2023-022-FA.
on foot
survey conducted on foot
Start Woods Hole 2024-09-25
End Cape Cod National Seashore 2024-10-23
Days in the field 2
West -70.10815431
East -69.91259764
North 42.08843948
South 41.70408804


384 Woods Hole Road
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA02543-1598
(508) 548-8700
Principal investigators Christopher R Sherwood
Crew members
Sandra M Brosnahan
Scientist, Staff
Jennifer M Cramer
Scientist, Staff
Jin-Si R Over
Scientist, Staff
Athina L Lange
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Jin-Si R Over
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Imagery, Location-Elevation
Data type: Photo, LIDAR, Navigation

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
YellowScan Mapper + Photo, LIDAR 1
DJI Matrice Navigation 1
Skydio X10 Navigation, Other Imagery, Photo (no data reported)
Emlid RS3 Navigation (no data reported)
Aeropoint targets Navigation, Transects, Profiles (no data reported)


Datasets compiled from multiple sources

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
2024004FA_MI_Apr YellowScan Mapper + Lidar point cloud, elevation models, GPS data, and imagery and orthomosaic from true-color aerial imagery, collected during UAS operations at Marsh Island, New Bedford, MA on April 9th, 2024. Contains CSV files of image and Aero Point locations, orthophotos, digital surface model, digital terrain model and lidar point cloud. Individual images are available from the Imagery Data System. Jin-Si R Over
2024004FA_MI_Apr DJI Matrice Lidar point cloud, elevation models, GPS data, and imagery and orthomosaic from true-color aerial imagery, collected during UAS operations at Marsh Island, New Bedford, MA on April 9th, 2024. Contains CSV files of image and Aero Point locations, orthophotos, digital surface model, digital terrain model and lidar point cloud. Individual images are available from the Imagery Data System. Jin-Si R Over


Samples collected during this field activity