Field Activity 2024-312-FA

Identifier 2024-312-FA
Purpose Site visit to coral calcification monitoring stations to measure coral and algal calcification rates as well as collect CTD, dissolved O2, wave sensor data and temperature data.
Location Dry Tortugas National Park (Key West, FL), Biscayne National Park (Miami, FL)
Info derived Mass of calcium carbonate gained per unit time for coral Acropora palmata and crustose coralline algal communities on pvc tiles. Hourly temperature data for past 6 months. Conductivity, temperature and depth. dissolved oxygen. Wave sensor data.
Comments Other equipment for Dissolved Oxygen is - Hobo dissolved Oxygen data logger U26-001 Other equipment for the Wave Sensor is - RBR SoloD.wave Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2023-316-FA. Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2023-335-FA.
26-ft Dusky
Ford F-350 Dually Grey (GSA)
Start St. Petersburg, FL 2024-05-08
End St. Petersburg, FL 2024-05-24
Days in the field ~10
West -83.03466797
East -79.96948242
North 25.74052909
South 24.49714632
Marine operations Yes
Scuba operations Yes


600 Fourth Street South
St. Petersburg, FL33701-4846
(727) 502-8000
Principal investigators Ilsa B Kuffner
Crew members
Billy J Reynolds
Scientist, Staff
Ilsa B Kuffner
Scientist, Staff
Anastasios Stathakopoulos
Scientist, Staff
Benjamin A Galbraith
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Ilsa B Kuffner
Specialist, Information
Anastasios Stathakopoulos
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Sampling, Location-Elevation, Imagery, Biological Field Study, Environmental Data
Data type: Biology, Navigation, Photo, Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, CTD, Experiments (biological), Wave

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
GPS Navigation (no data reported)
Digital Camera Photo, Video (no data reported)
HOBO Water Temperature Pro V2 Data Logger Temperature (no data reported)
Sea-Bird CT Logger (SBE 37 MicroCAT) CTD (no data reported)
Conductivity, Temperature and Depth (CTD) Logger/Probe CTD (no data reported)
Tiles Experiments (biological) (no data reported)
Balance Experiments (biological), Surveys (biological) (no data reported)
Other Unknown, Meteorology, CTD, Temperature, pH, CO2, Radon, Conductivity, Current, Dissolved Oxygen, Turbidity, Fluorescence, Wave, ORP, Tide, Methane, Depth, Light, Nitrate, Gas Hydrates, Density, Sediment Properties, Osmometic Pressure, Chlorophyll, Nutrients, Pressure (no data reported)


Samples collected during this field activity