Field Activity 2025-601-FA

Identifier 2025-601-FA
Alternate names Reefense - Tyndall AFB
Purpose To collect baseline data on performance of Reefense hybrid oyster reef structures in support of DARPA
Location Bay inshore of Tyndall Air Force Base, Panama City, Florida
Info derived water level, wave height, wave period, wave direction, current speed, current direction, water temperature, water salinity, water turbidity, wind speed, wind direction
Start Panama City, FL 2025-01-07
End Panama City, FL 2025-01-15
Days in the field 9
West -85.50933838
East -85.4598999
North 30.04977935
South 30.01708448
Marine operations Yes
Scuba operations Yes


2885 Mission Street
Santa Cruz, CA95060
(831) 460-7401
Principal investigators Curt Storlazzi
Crew members
Curt Storlazzi
Scientist, Staff
Gerald Hatcher
Scientist, Staff
Joshua Logan
Scientist, Staff
Olivia Cheriton
Scientist, Staff
Kurt Rosenberger
Scientist, Staff
Meredith L McPherson
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Joshua Logan
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Location-Elevation, Sonar, Imagery, Environmental Data, Time Series
Data type: Navigation, Multibeam, Photo, Conductivity, Current, Depth, Meteorology, Pressure, Temperature, Tide, Turbidity, Wave, Mooring (physical oceanography)

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
RTK GPS LIDAR, Transects, Benchmarks, Profiles, Navigation (no data reported)
Norbit Winghead Multibeam (no data reported)
Camera-still Photo (no data reported)
salinity sensor Conductivity (no data reported)
Sensors - pressure Depth (no data reported)
anemometer Meteorology (no data reported)
Nortek Signature 1000 ADCP Temperature, Current, Wave, Tide, Mooring (physical oceanography) (no data reported)
Nortek Vector ADV Temperature, Mooring (physical oceanography), Wave, Tide, Pressure, Current (no data reported)
RBR Virtuoso Mooring (physical oceanography), Tide, Wave, Turbidity, pH, ORP, Fluorescence, Dissolved Oxygen, Temperature, Pressure, CTD (no data reported)
Sofar Spotter Wave, Mooring (physical oceanography) (no data reported)


Samples collected during this field activity