Field Activity 2025-609-FA

Identifier 2025-609-FA
Alternate names Gyre 2025 PWS survey
Purpose collect geophysical data in central PWS to image stratigraphy in primary depocenters, including submarine landslide deposits that may have been triggered by large earthquakes
Location Prince William Sound, Alaska
Info derived seismic stratigraphy, structure, and evidence for mass transport deposition
Comments Vehicles are likely from Alaska Science Center
Alaskan Gyre
Start Santa Cruz 2025-05-30
End Anchorage 2025-06-21
Days in the field 20
West -148.81640598
East -145.14257759
North 61.07954423
South 60.00338009


2885 Mission Street
Santa Cruz, CA95060
(831) 460-7401
Principal investigators Daniel BrothersAlicia F Balster-geeJared W KluesnerHill, Jenna
Crew members

Data types and categories

Data category: Seismics
Data type: Sub Bottom Profiler, Multichannel

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Multichannel Multichannel (no data reported)
subbottomprofiler Sub Bottom Profiler (no data reported)


Samples collected during this field activity