Field Activity A286BS

Identifier A286BS
Alternate names A-2-86-BS
Purpose Study disturbances to substrate and erosion by gray whale, walrus, and ice gouge.
Description University of Alaska,United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California. Chief Scientist: Unspecified. Geological and Geophysical data (CTDmeter, sidescansonar, LoranC) of field activity A-2-86-BS in St. Lawrence Island, St. Matthew Island from 06/06/1986 to 06/23/1986
Location St. Matthew Island
Comments A flume was used. Staff information imported from InfoBank Kaj Henrikson - Unspecified L. Cooper - Unspecified M. Silberstein - Unspecified A. Daubin - Unspecified John Barber (USGS Western Region) - Unspecified D. Arnold - Unspecified L. Lowry - Unspecified K. Schaffer - Unspecified B. Stewart - Unspecified B. Tershy - Unspecified J. Schoenherr - Unspecified J. Heine (Unspecified) S. Dubenhoffer - Unspecified
Alpha Helix
132 feet
Start (port not specified) 1986-06-06
End (port not specified) 1986-06-23
West 160.25
East -155.25
North 65.75
South 50.25
Activity Geological and Geophysical


University of Alaska
Seward, AK
2885 Mission Street
Santa Cruz, CA95060
(831) 460-7401
Crew members
Barber, John
Scientist, Staff
Cooper, L.
Scientist, Staff
Daubin, A.
Scientist, Staff
Dubenhoffer, S.
Scientist, Staff
Affiliate staff Kaj Henrikson - Unspecified,M. Silberstein - Unspecified,D. Arnold - Unspecified,L. Lowry - Unspecified,K. Schaffer - Unspecified,B. Stewart - Unspecified,B. Tershy - Unspecified,J. Schoenherr - Unspecified,J. Heine (Unspecified)

Data types and categories

Data category: Environmental Data, Sonar, Location-Elevation
Data type: CTD, Sidescan, Navigation

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
CTD Surveys (geochemical), Experiments (geochemical), CTD (no data reported)
sidescansonar Sidescan (no data reported)
LoranC Navigation (no data reported)


Samples collected during this field activity