Field Activity IR411AR

Identifier IR411AR
Alternate names I-R4-11-AR
Purpose obtain a suite of physical and environmental data (e..g, bathyemtry, sediment samples, water quality parameters, water levels, currents, temperatures) pertient to understanding processess shaping the nearshore Arctic coastal environment
Description United States Geological Survey,United States Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center,United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Chief Scientists: Li Erikson, Bruce Richmond. Field data collection data of field activity I-R4-11-AR in Arey Lagoon, west of Barter Island, North Slope, Alaska from 09/23/2011 to 09/28/2011
Location Arey Lagoon, Alaska
Info derived currents, waves, temperatures, salinity, sediment grain sizes, bathymetry, topography
Comments this is a retrieval trip; follow-up from I-D4-11-AR Staff information imported from InfoBank Li Erikson - PCMSC Non USGS data manager = Ben Jones
Start Kaktovik Village, North Slope, Alaska (70.107844o N, 143.548282o W) 2011-09-23
End Kaktovik Village, North Slope, Alaska (70.107844o N, 143.548282o W) 2011-09-28
West -144.17877674
East -142.96298504
North 70.18604105
South 70.02985985
Activity field data collection


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
4210 University Dr.
Anchorage, AK99508
(907) 786-7000
2885 Mission Street
Santa Cruz, CA95060
(831) 460-7401
Principal investigators Bruce M RichmondLi Erikson
Crew members
Li Erikson
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Ann E Gibbs
Specialist, Information
Li Erikson
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Environmental Data, Sonar
Data type: Conductivity, Current, Temperature, Turbidity, Wave, Single Beam

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
temperature Temperature 3
salinity sensor Conductivity 1
currentmeter Current 1
suspendedsediment Turbidity (no data reported)
wavegauge Wave 1
bathymetry Single Beam (no data reported)


Datasets compiled from multiple sources

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
Conductivity, temperature and depth time-series data collected in 2011 in the vicinity of Arey Lagoon and Barter Island, Alaska temperature Time-series measurements of waves, currents, water levels, sea surface temperatures, ocean salinity, and water, air, and ground temperatures were collected in July through September 2011 in and around Arey Lagoon, near Barter Island, Alaska. Directional wave spectra, currents, water levels, salinity, and bottom and surface water temperatures were measured with a bottom-mounted 1MHz Nortek AWAC, HOBO temperature loggers, and a Solinst Levelogger in ~5m water depth offshore of Arey Island. Within Arey Lagoon, a bottom-mounted frame equipped with a Nortek 1MHz Aquadopp, Solinst Levelogger, and HOBO temperature loggers measured currents, water levels, and water temperatures. Ground temperatures (maximum depth 3 meters below the surface), were measured with HOBO temperature loggers and EMS iButtons at incremental depths across a tundra bluff, within a wet sedge region, and on the Arey Island island surrounding Arey Lagoon. This metadata file describes the conductivity, temperature, and depth (CTD) measurements that were collected, and the salinity that was calculated from the conductivity. Data summaries and further details can be found in Erikson and others, 2020. Li Erikson
Ground temperature time-series data collected in 2011 in the vicinity of Arey Lagoon and Barter Island, Alaska temperature Time-series measurements of waves, currents, water levels, sea surface temperatures, ocean salinity, and water, air, and ground temperatures were collected in July through September 2011 in and around Arey Lagoon, near Barter Island, Alaska. Directional wave spectra, currents, water levels, salinity, and bottom and surface water temperatures were measured with a bottom-mounted 1MHz Nortek AWAC, HOBO temperature loggers, and a Solinst Levelogger in ~5m water depth offshore of Arey Island. Within Arey Lagoon, a bottom-mounted frame equipped with a Nortek 1MHz Aquadopp, Solinst Levelogger, and HOBO temperature loggers measured currents, water levels, and water temperatures. Ground temperatures (maximum depth 3 meters below the surface), were measured with HOBO temperature loggers and EMS iButtons at incremental depths across a tundra bluff, within a wet sedge region, and on the Arey Island island surrounding Arey Lagoon. This metadata describes the ground temperature measurements that were collected. Data summaries and further details can be found in Erikson and others, 2020. Li Erikson
Sea-surface water temperature time-series data collected in 2011 in the vicinity of Arey Lagoon and Barter Island, Alaska temperature Time-series measurements of waves, currents, water levels, sea surface temperatures, ocean salinity, and water, air, and ground temperatures were collected in July through September 2011 in and around Arey Lagoon, near Barter Island, Alaska. Directional wave spectra, currents, water levels, salinity, and bottom and surface water temperatures were measured with a bottom-mounted 1MHz Nortek AWAC, HOBO temperature loggers, and a Solinst Levelogger in ~5m water depth offshore of Arey Island. Within Arey Lagoon, a bottom-mounted frame equipped with a Nortek 1MHz Aquadopp, Solinst Levelogger, and HOBO temperature loggers measured currents, water levels, and water temperatures. Ground temperatures (maximum depth 3 meters below the surface), were measured with HOBO temperature loggers and EMS iButtons at incremental depths across a tundra bluff, within a wet sedge region, and on the Arey Island island surrounding Arey Lagoon. This metadata describes the sea-surface water temperature data that were collected. Data summaries and further details can be found in Erikson and others, 2020. Li Erikson
Conductivity, temperature and depth time-series data collected in 2011 in the vicinity of Arey Lagoon and Barter Island, Alaska salinity sensor Time-series measurements of waves, currents, water levels, sea surface temperatures, ocean salinity, and water, air, and ground temperatures were collected in July through September 2011 in and around Arey Lagoon, near Barter Island, Alaska. Directional wave spectra, currents, water levels, salinity, and bottom and surface water temperatures were measured with a bottom-mounted 1MHz Nortek AWAC, HOBO temperature loggers, and a Solinst Levelogger in ~5m water depth offshore of Arey Island. Within Arey Lagoon, a bottom-mounted frame equipped with a Nortek 1MHz Aquadopp, Solinst Levelogger, and HOBO temperature loggers measured currents, water levels, and water temperatures. Ground temperatures (maximum depth 3 meters below the surface), were measured with HOBO temperature loggers and EMS iButtons at incremental depths across a tundra bluff, within a wet sedge region, and on the Arey Island island surrounding Arey Lagoon. This metadata file describes the conductivity, temperature, and depth (CTD) measurements that were collected, and the salinity that was calculated from the conductivity. Data summaries and further details can be found in Erikson and others, 2020. Li Erikson
Current-velocity time-series data collected in 2011 in the vicinity of Arey Lagoon and Barter Island, Alaska currentmeter Time-series measurements of waves, currents, water levels, sea surface temperatures, ocean salinity, and water, air, and ground temperatures were collected in July through September 2011 in and around Arey Lagoon, near Barter Island, Alaska. Directional wave spectra, currents, water levels, salinity, and bottom and surface water temperatures were measured with a bottom-mounted 1MHz Nortek AWAC, HOBO temperature loggers, and a Solinst Levelogger in ~5m water depth offshore of Arey Island. Within Arey Lagoon, a bottom-mounted frame equipped with a Nortek 1MHz Aquadopp, Solinst Levelogger, and HOBO temperature loggers measured currents, water levels, and water temperatures. Ground temperatures (maximum depth 3 meters below the surface), were measured with HOBO temperature loggers and EMS iButtons at incremental depths across a tundra bluff, within a wet sedge region, and on the Arey Island island surrounding Arey Lagoon. This metadata describes the current-velocity data that were collected. Data summaries and further details can be found in Erikson and others, 2020. Li Erikson
Wave time-series data collected in 2011 in the vicinity of Arey Lagoon and Barter Island, Alaska wavegauge Time-series measurements of waves, currents, water levels, sea surface temperatures, ocean salinity, and water, air, and ground temperatures were collected in July through September 2011 in and around Arey Lagoon, near Barter Island, Alaska. Directional wave spectra, currents, water levels, salinity, and bottom and surface water temperatures were measured with a bottom-mounted 1MHz Nortek AWAC, HOBO temperature loggers, and a Solinst Levelogger in ~5m water depth offshore of Arey Island. Within Arey Lagoon, a bottom-mounted frame equipped with a Nortek 1MHz Aquadopp, Solinst Levelogger, and HOBO temperature loggers measured currents, water levels, and water temperatures. Ground temperatures (maximum depth 3 meters below the surface), were measured with HOBO temperature loggers and EMS iButtons at incremental depths across a tundra bluff, within a wet sedge region, and on the Arey Island island surrounding Arey Lagoon. This metadata describes the wave time-series data that were collected. Data summaries and further details can be found in Erikson and others, 2020. Li Erikson


Erikson, L.H.; Gibbs, A.E.; Richmond, B.M.; Jones, B.M.; Storlazzi, C.D.; and Ohman, K.A., 2020, Modeled 21st century storm surge, waves, and coastal flood hazards, and supporting oceanographic and geological field data (2010 and 2011) for Arey and Barter Islands, Alaska and vicinity: ,

Erikson, L.H.; Gibbs, A.E.; Richmond, B.M.; Storlazzi, C.D.; and Jones, B.M., 2012, Modeling arctic barrier island-lagoon system response to projected arctic warming: ,