Field Activity J200SF

Identifier J200SF
Alternate names J-2-00-SF
Purpose Mercury levels from hydraulic mining (1800s). Ground truthing, box coring, gravity coring.
Description Chief Scientist: Bruce Jaffe. Geological data (boxcore, gravitycore) of field activity J-2-00-SF in Grizzly Bay, San Pablo Bay from 03/20/2000 to 03/27/2000
Location San Pablo Bay
Summary Collected ~25 gravity cores and 9 box cores in San Pablo and Suisun Bays (North San Francisco Bay).
Info derived Grain size, mining debris
Comments Staff information imported from InfoBank Bruce Jaffe (USGS Western Region) - Chief Scientist Richard Smith (USGS Western Region) - Scientist Mark Marvin (USGS Western Region) - Biologist Walt Olson (USGS Western Region) - Marine Technician Gordon Smith (USGS Western Region) - Captain Jenifer Agee (USGS Western Region) - Biologist Ryan Leech (USGS Western Region/eco) - Labor Kathy Presto (USGS Western Region) - Navigation Roberto Anima (USGS Western Region) - Scientist Jim Lugosi (USGS Western Region/ECO) - Labor Heather Little (UCSC) - Labor Anja Boelm (UCSC) - Labor Alexa La Plante (UCSC) - Labor
David Johnston
Length 43 feet; beam 14 feet.
Start Benicia, CA 2000-03-20
End Benicia, CA 2000-03-27
West -122.462
East -122.02846
North 38.12025
South 38.02583
Activity Geological


Principal investigators Bruce E Jaffe
Crew members
Anima, Roberto
Scientist, Staff
Agee, Jenifer
Scientist, Staff
Boelm, Anja
Scientist, Staff
Marvin, Mark
Scientist, Staff
Olson, Walt
Scientist, Staff
Smith, Richard
Scientist, Staff
Smith, Gordon
Scientist, Staff
Leech, Ryan
Scientist, Staff
Presto, Kathy
Scientist, Staff
Lugosi, Jim
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Smith, Richard
Specialist, Information
Leech, Ryan
Specialist, Information
Affiliate staff Heather Little (UCSC) - Labor,Alexa La Plante (UCSC) - Labor

Data types and categories

Data category: Location-Elevation, Sampling, Sonar
Data type: Navigation, Biology, Geology, Single Beam

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
gravitycore Geology 10
GPS Navigation 3
boxcore Biology, Geology 5
bathymetry Single Beam 5


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
j-2-00-sf.core.gc-16.pdf gravitycore core description; Bruce E Jaffe
j-2-00-sf.core.gc-1.pdf gravitycore core description; Bruce E Jaffe
j-2-00-sf.core.gc-2.pdf gravitycore core description; Bruce E Jaffe
j-2-00-sf.core.gc-3.pdf gravitycore core description; Bruce E Jaffe
j-2-00-sf.core.gc-4a.pdf gravitycore core description; Bruce E Jaffe
j-2-00-sf.core.gc-4b.pdf gravitycore core description; Bruce E Jaffe
j-2-00-sf.core.gc-7.pdf gravitycore core description; Bruce E Jaffe
Station Information gravitycore Bruce E Jaffe
Best file with nav in ArcInfo E00 format GPS Bruce E Jaffe
Global positioning system (GPS) data j-2-00-sf.060 GPS Bruce E Jaffe
Global positioning system (GPS) data j-2-00-sf.061 GPS Provisional best file Bruce E Jaffe
j-2-00-sf.core.bc-1b.pdf boxcore core description; Bruce E Jaffe
j-2-00-sf.core.bc-2a.pdf boxcore core description; Bruce E Jaffe
j-2-00-sf.core.bc-3.pdf boxcore core description; Bruce E Jaffe
Station Information boxcore Bruce E Jaffe
NGDC MGD77 data - bathy bathymetry Carolyn Hayashida Degnan
Raw depth (bathymetry) data j-2-00-sf.300 bathymetry Bruce E Jaffe
Raw depth (bathymetry) data j-2-00-sf.301 bathymetry Bruce E Jaffe
Raw depth (bathymetry) data j-2-00-sf.302 bathymetry Bruce E Jaffe
Raw depth (bathymetry) data j-2-00-sf.302_061 bathymetry Provisional best file Bruce E Jaffe

Datasets compiled from multiple sources

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
Gravity cores from San Pablo Bay and Carquinez Strait, San Francisco Bay, California gravitycore "This data release contains information on gravity cores that were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the area of San Pablo Bay and Carquinez Strait, California in 1990, 1991, and 2000. Ten (10) pdf files describe gravity cores that were split, photographed, and imaged by X-rays, and another pdf file contains a core-log legend. In addition, a shapefile provides sample collection data. Seventy-two gravity cores were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in 1990, 1991, and 2000 from San Pablo Bay and Carquinez Strait, California. Gravity cores from San Pablo Bay contain bioturbated laminated silts and sandy clays, whole and broken bivalve shells (mostly mussels), fossil tube structures, and fine plant or wood fragments. Gravity cores from the channel wall of Carquinez Strait east of San Pablo Bay consist of sand and clay layers, whole and broken bivalve shells (less than in San Pablo Bay), trace fossil tubes, and minute fragments of plant material." Don Woodrow
Gravity Cores and Box Cores from Suisun Bay, San Pablo Bay, and San Francisco Bay, California gravitycore 94 gravity cores and 3 box cores that were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the areas of Suisun, San Pablo, and San Francisco Bay, California in 1990 and 2000. PDF files describe the cores that were split for analysis, and another pdf file contains a core-log legend. In addition, a shapefile provides sample collection data. Theresa Fregoso
Gravity Cores and Box Cores from Suisun Bay, San Pablo Bay, and San Francisco Bay, California boxcore 94 gravity cores and 3 box cores that were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the areas of Suisun, San Pablo, and San Francisco Bay, California in 1990 and 2000. PDF files describe the cores that were split for analysis, and another pdf file contains a core-log legend. In addition, a shapefile provides sample collection data. Theresa Fregoso


Samples collected during this field activity