Field Activity O100SC

Identifier O100SC
Alternate names O-1-00-SC
Purpose Pollution transport and accumulation
Description Chief Scientists: Brian Edwards, Homa Lee. Geological data (underwatercamera, underwatertelevision, Shipekgrab, VanVeengrab) of field activity O-1-00-SC in San Pedro Bay, Santa Monica, California from 04/09/2000 to 04/14/2000
Location California
Summary Photographs, videos, and grab samples were taken in the Santa Monica Bay
Info derived Comparative study of backscatter plots versus photos and video, grain size on sediments, pollution accumulation
Comments Staff information imported from InfoBank Brian Edwards (USGS) - CHIEF SCIENTIST Homa Lee (USGS) - CHIEF SCIENTIST Pete Dartnell (USGS) - GEOLOGIST Hank Chezar (USGS) - PHOTOGRAPHIC SPECIALIST Meg McQuarrie (ORE) - NAVIGATION Kathy Presto (ORE) - PHOTO PROCESSOR Wendy Dahl (ECO) - NAVIGATION/FACS Fred Payne (USGS) - ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN Hal Williams (USGS) - MARINE TECHNICIAN Ken Franke (CREW) - CAPTAIN Shane Slaughter (CREW) - SECOND CAPTAIN Danny Le (DECKHAND, CREW) - Phee Elizabeth Riggs (CREW) - STEWARD Paul Fischer (CREW) - DECKHAND
Outer Limits
Start (port not specified) 2000-04-09
End (port not specified) 2000-04-14
West -118.726
East -117.23482
North 34.02777
South 32.75728
Activity Geological


Principal investigators Homa J LeeBrian D Edwards
Crew members
Peter Dartnell
Scientist, Staff
Henry Chezar
Scientist, Staff
Homa J Lee
Scientist, Staff
Brian D Edwards
Scientist, Staff
Dahl, Wendy
Scientist, Staff
Franke, Ken
Scientist, Staff
Fischer, Paul
Scientist, Staff
Payne, Fred
Scientist, Staff
Williams, Hal
Scientist, Staff
McQuarrie, Meg
Scientist, Staff
Presto, Kathy
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Dahl, Wendy
Specialist, Information
Affiliate staff Shane Slaughter (CREW) - SECOND CAPTAIN,Danny Le (DECKHAND, CREW) - Phee,Elizabeth Riggs (CREW) - STEWARD

Data types and categories

Data category: Imagery, Location-Elevation, Sampling, Sonar
Data type: Photo, Video, Navigation, Geology, Single Beam

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
underwatertelevision Video (no data reported)
Shipekgrab Geology 1
VanVeengrab Geology 1
GPS Navigation 2
underwatercamera Photo (no data reported)
bathymetry Single Beam 5



Samples collected during this field activity