Field Activity 10CCT01

Identifier 10CCT01
Purpose An additional survey area off of Cat Island that will be incorporated into the complete modern topobathymetric map of the Mississippi barrier islands from Cat Island to Dauphin Island. Data to provide information for the following: assessment of immediate sand resources in the region, modern geologic framework; historical island change measurements
Location Cat Island, MS to Dauphin Island, AL
Info derived Submetrix swath bathymetry data (X, Y, Z); shallow sub-bottom image profiles, side-scan sonar mosaics
Glacier Bay Cat Boat
Aka RV Survey Cat or Cat Boat
Start Biloxi, Mississippi 2010-03-09
End Biloxi, Mississippi 2010-03-17
West -89.6251
East -87.32887588
North 30.51777587
South 29.90938258
Marine operations Yes


600 Fourth Street South
St. Petersburg, FL33701-4846
(727) 502-8000
Principal investigators James G Flocks
Crew members
Nancy T DeWitt
Scientist, Staff
Pfeiffer, William
Scientist, Staff
Dana S Wiese
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Nancy T DeWitt
Specialist, Information
Dana S Wiese
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Location-Elevation, Seismics, Sonar
Data type: Benchmarks, Navigation, Profiles, Transects, Sub Bottom Profiler, Multibeam, Sidescan

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Sidescan Sonar Sidescan 1
Chirp 424 Sub Bottom Profiler 5
Interferometric Bathymetry System Interferometric 3
F190 DGPS/IMU Navigation 5


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
10cct01_v2_ss_1m_b Sidescan Sonar Sidescan sonar mosaic as GeoTiff Nancy T DeWitt
10CCT01-SE-pd-1 Chirp 424 Chirp 424 data navigation Arnell S Forde
10CCT01-SE-pd-2 Chirp 424 Chirp 424 data profiles Arnell S Forde
10CCT01-SE-pd-3 Chirp 424 Chirp 424 data GIS Arnell S Forde
10CCT01-SE-pd-4 Chirp 424 Chirp 424 data GeoMapApp Arnell S Forde
10CCT01-SE-pd-5 Chirp 424 Chirp 424 data agc SEGY Arnell S Forde
10cct01_v2rbf_50m Interferometric Bathymetry System Interferometric swath bathy grid as GeoTiff, 50-m resolution Nancy T DeWitt
10cct01_xyzi Interferometric Bathymetry System Interferometric swath bathy grid in ascii format, 50-m resolution Nancy T DeWitt
Data series 563 arc Interferometric Bathymetry System Data Series 563 GIS dataset Nancy T DeWitt
10CCT01-NL-pd-1 F190 DGPS/IMU HYPACK navigation tracklines as a shapefile Nancy T DeWitt
10cct01_ss_tracklines F190 DGPS/IMU Sidescan sonar navigation tracklines as Geotiff Nancy T DeWitt
10cct01_sw_tracklines F190 DGPS/IMU Swath navigation tracklines as Geotiff Nancy T DeWitt
Processed 1,000-Shot-Interval Location Navigation F190 DGPS/IMU Arnell S Forde
Processed Shotpoint Navigation F190 DGPS/IMU Arnell S Forde


Samples collected during this field activity