Field Activity 2002-017-FA

Identifier 2002-017-FA
Alternate names CB02001
Purpose Collect vibracores and gravity cores from the western part of Lake Mead to describe the sedimentary structures and composition of post-impoundment sediment in this part of the lake.
Location Boulder Basin, Las Vegas Bay, Lake Mead, Nevada, Arizona, United States, North America;
Summary Vibracores: 16; gravity cores: 12.
Comments Note that the cruise has been delayed 2 weeks because of problems with the coring barge. Original Center People field contained: Kenneth Parolski, coring mobilization and coring technician; VeeAnn Cross, GIS and data integration; Keith Ludwig (USGS, St. Pete), assist with vibracoring. Project = Lake Mead Sediment Study, Lake Mead Sediment Study Information from Foghorn: P-code GPS receiver and laptop with GIS and Blue Marble software to interface between Plugger and GIS;
Related activities
1999-014-FA: Project
UNLV Coring Barge
Start Lake Mead Marina, NV 2002-05-29
End Lake Mead Marina, NV 2002-06-06
Days in the field 9
West -114.87
East -114.5
North 36.15
South 36


384 Woods Hole Road
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA02543-1598
(508) 548-8700
Principal investigators David C Twichell
Crew members
VeeAnn A. Cross
Scientist, Staff
Kenneth Parolski
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
David C Twichell
Specialist, Information
Affiliate principal Mark Rudin, UNLV
Affiliate staff Keith Ludwig (USGS, St. Pete), assist with vibracoring; Mark Rudin, UNLV - Health Physics Dept. - Co-Ch. Sci.; Brenda Buck, UNLV - Geology Dept.; Robin Howley, UNLV - Geology Dept.; Thomas Hickson, St. Thomas U. - Geology Dept.

Data types and categories

Data category: Biological Field Study, Sampling, Imagery, Location-Elevation
Data type: Experiments (biological), Geology, Photo, Video, Navigation

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Alpine Vibracorer Geology 2
DGPS Navigation (no data reported)
Gravity corer Geology (no data reported)
P-code GPS Navigation (no data reported)


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
2002-017-FA-NL-001 Alpine Vibracorer Field operations coring log: collection information for 29 cores including dates, locations, weather, procedures, etc. Alice M. Orton
2002-017-FA-NL-002 Alpine Vibracorer Visual core description log: lithologic descriptions for cores. Alice M. Orton


Samples collected during this field activity