Field Activity 1994-026-FA

Identifier 1994-026-FA
Alternate names 94-3
Purpose Sidescan sonar and 3.5 kHz survey (reconnaissance) and sediment sampling (if time permits).
Location Cape Cod Bay, southern Stellwagen Basin, Massachusetts, United States, North America, North Atlantic;
Summary Sidescan sonar: 445 km; 3.5 kHz Seismic: 445 km; Total 26 transects; No samples attempted. The cruise was very successful in accomplishing about 95 percent of the original expectations for total trackline coverage. Data quality was excellent and the records clearly displayed areas of high and low backscatter which will be useful for extending a sedimentary environments map southward from its present extent in Massachusetts Bay. The 3.5 kHz echo sounder was an excellent companion piece of equipment for detailing the shallow sub-bottom stratigraphy as the reflector's position relative to the surface of the sea floor is a useful adjunct for interpreting sidescan sonar records.
Info derived Grain size analysis; Habitat maps; Sea floor map; Bathymetric maps; Morphology;
Comments The cruise heeds to the requests of a pre-cruise report dated 12/9/93. Cruise will not interfere with the WHITEHEATH cruise departing June 6, 1994, as Rick Rendigs is the Chief Scientist on both. Project = Massachusetts Bay, Massachusetts Bay
Length 46 feet; beam 15 feet 4 inches; draft 4.5 feet.
Start Sandwich, MA 1994-06-20
End Plymouth, MA 1994-06-29
Days in the field 9
West -70.6
East -70.01
North 42.37
South 41.75


384 Woods Hole Road
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA02543-1598
(508) 548-8700
Principal investigators Richard R RendigsHarley J. Knebel
Crew members
Richard R Rendigs
Scientist, Staff
Kenneth Parolski
Scientist, Staff

Data types and categories

Data category: Location-Elevation, Sonar, Seismics, Sampling
Data type: Navigation, Sidescan, Sub Bottom Profiler, Geology

Documents: Notes and log books

Name Description
Cruise report Chief Scientist's report including personnel, purpose, equipment, tabulated information, trackline start and ends, cruise summary, trackmap.
Navigation log DGPS navigation log including line numbers, start and end times, course, speed, latitude, longitude, disk number, and acquisition notes.
Geophysics log Seismic log containing Klein sidescan sonar and 3.5 kHz system data including line numbers, start and end times, equipment configuration, acquisition notes, and paper roll number.
Q-Mips log Klein sidescan sonar log containing line numbers, Julian days, start and end times, file names, and acquisition notes.

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
DGPS Navigation 7
Klein 531 sidescan Sidescan 2
Q-MIPS sidescan sonar system Sidescan (no data reported)
3.5 kHz Sub Bottom Profiler 2
Van Veen grab sampler Geology (no data reported)


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
1994-026-FA-LN-001 DGPS Navigation trackline plot for field activity 94026 Nancy K. Soderberg
1994-026-FA-LN-001-01 DGPS Plotted track chart containing line numbers, Julian day and time. Nancy K. Soderberg
1994-026-FA-LN-002-01 DGPS DGPS navigation printout including 5-minute fixes, latitude, longitude, course, speed, line and disk number, and acquisition notes. Nancy K. Soderberg
1994-026-FA-LN-002-02 DGPS Raw GPS navigation data. Nancy K. Soderberg
1994-026-FA-LN-002-03 DGPS Edited 10-second Loran field navigation Nancy K. Soderberg
1994-026-FA-LN-002-04 DGPS Edited 5-minute Loran field navigation for June 20-29, 1994. Nancy K. Soderberg
1994-026-FA-LN-002-05 DGPS Edited 1-hour Loran field navigation for June 20-29, 1994. Nancy K. Soderberg
1994-026-FA-SO-001 Klein 531 sidescan microfilm of CAPE COD BAY Nancy K. Soderberg
1994-026-FA-SO-002 Klein 531 sidescan Digital tape(s) of SSS L1,24, SSS L2, SSS L21,22,25, SSS L2,22,23,3, SSS L5,4, SSS L7,8, SSS L17-11,18, SSS L6, SSS L26,27,28,10, Nancy K. Soderberg
1994-026-FA-SE-001 3.5 kHz Collection of paper record displays of seismic data( 3.5K) for lines Nancy K. Soderberg
1994-026-FA-SE-002 3.5 kHz microfilm of CAPE COD BAY Nancy K. Soderberg


Samples collected during this field activity