Contracted data 2000-609-CNT

Identifier 2000-609-CNT
Data provider Spencer B Gross Inc., contracted to the USGS
Purpose To collect baseline information with aerial photography
Location South shore of Molokai, Hawaii
Summary Spencer B. Gross, Inc. was contracted to collect aerial photography along the south shore of Molokai. A few historical aerial photos from 1949 and 1975 were included with the newly collected images.
Info derived visual observations
Start (port not specified) 2000-01-24
End (port not specified) 2000-01-24
West -157.32233768
East -156.69156301
North 21.25986731
South 21.02202845


2885 Mission Street
Santa Cruz, CA95060
(831) 460-7401
Crew members
Information specialist(s)
Chavez, Pat
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Imagery
Data type: Photo

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
camera Photo (no data reported)


Samples collected during this field activity