2005-004-FA_SVP |
Sensor - SVP |
Sound velocity profile locations collected by the USGS in Moultonborough Bay, Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire in 2005 (Geographic, WGS 84, Esri point shapefile, CSV file and JPEG image formats) |
Jane F Denny |
2005-004-FA_sonartrk |
Klein 3000 |
Klein 3000 sidescan-sonar survey tracklines collected by the USGS in Moultonborough Bay, Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire in 2005 (Geographic, WGS 84, Esri polyline shapefile and CSV file formats) |
Jane F Denny |
Winni_Sonar.tif |
Klein 3000 |
1-meter per pixel sidescan-sonar mosaic collected by the USGS in Moultonborough Bay, Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire in 2005 (UTM Zone 19N, WGS 84 GeoTIFF image format) |
Jane F Denny |
2005-004-FA_chimages |
EdgeTech 424 chirp sub-bottom profiler |
Images of chirp subbottom profiler data collected by the USGS in Moultonborough Bay, Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire in 2005 (JPEG image format. EXIF headers have been modified to include navigation and other meta tags) |
Jane F Denny |
2005-004-FA_chirpsht |
EdgeTech 424 chirp sub-bottom profiler |
Unique shot point navigation for Edgetech SB-424 chirp subbottom profiler data collected by the USGS in Moultonborough Bay, Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire in 2005 (Geographic, WGS 84, Esri point shapefile and CSV file formats) |
Jane F Denny |
2005-004-FA_chirptrk |
EdgeTech 424 chirp sub-bottom profiler |
Survey tracklines of chirp subbottom data collected by the USGS in Moultonborough Bay, Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire in 2005 (Geographic, WGS 84, Esri polyline shapefile file format) |
Jane F Denny |
2005-004-FA_Hypack |
Text files of the Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) navigation collected by the USGS in Moultonborough Bay, Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire in 2005 (Geographic, WGS 84, HYPACK ASCII text file formats) |
Jane F Denny |
2005-004-FA_bottomphotos |
Images of bottom photographs collected by the USGS in Moultonborough Bay, New Hampshire in 2005 (JPEG image file formats. EXIF headers have been modified to include navigation and other meta tags) |
Jane F Denny |
2005-004-FA_photolocs |
Locations of bottom photographs collected by the USGS in Moultonborough Bay, New Hampshire in 2005 (Geographic, WGS 84, Esri point shapefile) |
Jane F Denny |
2005-004-FA_samples |
Sediment samples and textural properties at 40 sample locations collected by the USGS in Moultonborough Bay, New Hampshire in 2005 (Geographic, WGS 84, Esri point shapefile and CSV file formats) |
Jane F Denny |
2005-004-FA_videotrk |
Trackline navigation for video data from 40 sample locations collected by the USGS in Moultonborough Bay, New Hampshire in 2005 (Geographic, WGS 84, Esri polyline shapefile and CSV file formats) |
Jane F Denny |
2005-004-FA_bathytrk |
SEA SWATHplus-M 234 kHz |
Survey tracklines of swath bathymetry collected by the USGS in Moultonbourough Bay, Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire in 2005 (Geographic, WGS 84, Esri polyline shapefile and CSV file formats) |
Jane F Denny |
2005-004-FA_winni_bathy |
SEA SWATHplus-M 234 kHz |
1-meter swath bathymetric grid collected by the USGS in Moultonborough Bay, Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire in 2005 (UTM Zone 19N, WGS 84, Esri Binary Grid file format) |
Jane F Denny |