Field Activity 2014-602-FA

Identifier 2014-602-FA
Alternate names O-B1-14-CA
Purpose Monitor changes in beach sand volume and distribution
Description United States Geological Survey, Pacific Science Center. Chief Scientist: Patrick Barnard. Geodetic data (ATV, MUV, GPS) of field activity O-B1-14-CA in Ocean Beach, San Francisco, CA from 01/28/2014 to 01/28/2014
Location CA
Summary beach topography
Info derived Beach elevation
Comments 20140211 CR added new Project name; 20140211 DH. Added account # and summary 20140210 CR new FAN from FACS ID
Start (port not specified) 2014-01-28
End (port not specified) 2014-01-28
Days in the field 1
West -122.62
East -122.4
North 37.85944
South 37.522
Activity Geodetic


2885 Mission Street
Santa Cruz, CA95060
(831) 460-7401
Principal investigators Patrick Barnard
Crew members
Daniel J Hoover
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Daniel J Hoover
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Location-Elevation
Data type: Navigation, Transects, Profiles

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Other Unknown, Profiles, Transects, Benchmarks, LIDAR, Navigation (no data reported)
ATV Profiles, Transects (no data reported)
MUV Profiles, Transects (no data reported)
GPS Navigation (no data reported)


Samples collected during this field activity