Field Activity 2015-308-FA

Identifier 2015-308-FA
Alternate names 15CCT01
Purpose Collection of sediments cores to investigate the preservation of storm deposits.
Location Wacassasa, FL
Info derived Determine bioturbation rate of storm deposits.
Jon Boat
Start St. Petersburg, FL 2015-02-23
End St. Petersburg, FL 2015-02-25
West -82.7834
East -82.75904236
North 29.08460154
South 29.07102417


600 Fourth Street South
St. Petersburg, FL33701-4846
(727) 502-8000
Principal investigators Terrence A McCloskey
Crew members
Marci E Marot
Scientist, Staff
Christian Haller
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Julie C Bernier
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Location-Elevation, Sampling
Data type: Navigation, Geology

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Ashtech Z-Xtreme DGPS Benchmarks, Navigation (no data reported)
Collapsible Tripod Benchmarks, Navigation, Profiles, Transects (no data reported)
Push Corer Geology 9
Grab Sampler Biology, Geology 1


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
AlphaSpecData Push Corer Spreadsheet of specific activity of Pb-210 and error bars Terrence A McCloskey
CorePhotos Push Corer Photographs of auger cores Terrence A McCloskey
GammaSpecData Push Corer Spreadsheet of specific activity of Be-7, Cs-137, Pb-210, Ra-226, Th-234, K-40 and error bars Terrence A McCloskey
GrainSizeData Push Corer Spreadsheet of grain size parameters for cores WC04D, WC10D, WC20D, WC21D Terrence A McCloskey
LOI Push Corer Spreadsheet of water, organic, carbonate, and residual percentages of auger cores Terrence A McCloskey
Pollen-WC20R Push Corer Spreadsheet of pollen counts and concentrations for core WC20R Terrence A McCloskey
RadioCarbonDates Push Corer Spreadsheet of radiocarbon and calibrated dates Terrence A McCloskey
SedimentPhysicalParameters Push Corer Spreadsheet of water content, dry bulk density and loss-on-ignition for cores cores WC04D, WC10D, WC11D, WC12D, WC20D, WC21D, WC22D, WC23D, and surface samples Terrence A McCloskey
XRF Push Corer Spreadsheet of elemental concentrations for auger cores Terrence A McCloskey
CoreLocations Grab Sampler Core site locations. This has sites for grab samples and push cores. Includes FAN 2014-335-FA also. Terrence A McCloskey


Samples collected during this field activity