Field Activity 2016-001-FA

Identifier 2016-001-FA
Purpose Piston coring in support of ONR acoustics/USGS RSL & hazards projects
Location Southern New England Mud Patch
Summary 56 piston & 35 trigger cores (26 vibracores & 10 gravity cores from EN577 Leg 2 - part of same ONR project, stored in WHCMSC)
Info derived sedimentary records
Comments Changed FA from Sebago Lake mapping (canceled for this FY) to this project
Length 185 feet; beam 33 feet/ draft 18 feet 6 inches (aft).
Start Woods Hole, MA 2016-04-17
End Woods Hole, MA 2016-04-25
Days in the field 6
West -70.7629
East -70.30476888
North 41.07572789
South 40.82532204


384 Woods Hole Road
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA02543-1598
(508) 548-8700
Principal investigators Jason Chaytor
Crew members
Brian Buczkowski
Scientist, Staff
Allison R Paquette
Scientist, Staff
Alexander R Nichols
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Brian Buczkowski
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Location-Elevation, Sampling, Seismics
Data type: Navigation, Geology, Sub Bottom Profiler

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Gravity corer Geology (no data reported)
Alpine Vibracorer Geology (no data reported)
Piston corer USGS piston corer, UT vibracorer, UT gravity corer Geology 9
Other Unknown, Multichannel, Boomer, Sub Bottom Profiler, Sparker, Bubble Gun, Air Gun / Water Gun, Ocean Bottom Seismometer, Sonobuoy (no data reported)
DGPS R/V Endeavor ship mounted DGPS systems Navigation 1


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
EN577_CarbonContent Piston corer Bulk organics and carbonate content of sediment cores from the New England Mud Patch collected on USGS Field Activity 2016-001-FA Jason Chaytor
EN577_Density Piston corer Water content and grain density analyses of sediment cores from the New England Mud Patch collected on USGS Field Activity 2016-001-FA Jason Chaytor
EN577_Foram Piston corer Foraminifera biostratigraphy of sediment cores from the New England Mud Patch collected on USGS Field Activity 2016-001-FA Jason Chaytor
EN577_GrainSize Piston corer Grain size analyses of sediment cores from the New England Mud Patch collected on USGS Field Activity 2016-001-FA Jason Chaytor
EN577_HRMS Piston corer High-resolution magnetic susceptibility of sediment cores from the New England collected on USGS Field Activity 2016-001-FA Jason Chaytor
EN577_SummarySheet Piston corer Summary of analytical data for sediment cores from the New England Mud Patch collected on USGS Field Activity 2016-001-FA Jason Chaytor
EN577_UndrainedShearStrength Piston corer Undrained shear strength of sediment cores from the New England Mud Patch collected on USGS Field Activity 2016-001-FA Jason Chaytor
EN577_VisualCoreDescriptions Piston corer Visual description sheets of sediment cores from the New England Mud Patch collected on USGS Field Activity 2016-001-FA Jason Chaytor
EN577_XRD Piston corer Raw X-ray diffraction data of cores from the New England Mud Patch collected on USGS Field Activity 2016-001-FA Jason Chaytor
EN577_CoreLocations DGPS Collection locations of sediment cores from the New England Mud Patch collected on USGS Field Activity 2016-001-FA Jason Chaytor


Samples collected during this field activity