Model data 2016-309-MD

Identifier 2016-309-MD
Location Mid and Northeast Atlantic
Info derived probabilities of nor'easter-induced erosion (collision, overwash and inundation) for each 1-km section of the Mid- and Northeast Atlantic coast, from North Carolina through Maine, for class 1-3 nor'easters.
Start (port not specified) 2010-05-04
End (port not specified) 2012-11-29
West -78.5489
East -69.725425
North 43.780844
South 33.850068


Crew members
Information specialist(s)
Justin J Birchler
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category:
Data type: Mathematical (model)

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Simulated data Mathematical (model) 2


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
2016-309-MD-pd-1 Simulated data probabilities of nor'easter-induced erosion (collision, overwash and inundation) for each 1-km section of the Mid- and Northeast Atlantic coast, from North Carolina through Maine, for class 1-3 nor'easters. Justin J Birchler

Datasets compiled from multiple sources

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
Noreasters_erosion_hazards Simulated data Probabilities of nor'easter-induced erosion (collision, overwash and inundation) for each 1-km section of the Mid- and Northeast Atlantic coast, from North Carolina through Maine, for class 1-3 nor'easters Justin J Birchler


Samples collected during this field activity