Deploy wave/tide gauges to measure waves and water levels over coral reefs.
Buck Island, USVI
ocean time series data; BUS16M1T, BUS16M2T, BUS16M3T, BUS16M4T, BUS16M5T, BUS16M6T, BUS16M7T, BUS16M8T, and mooringlogs submitted to FAD 3/15/2017
Info derived
water level, wave height, wave period
St Pete FAN 2015-323-FA; data in Santa Cruz FAN 2015-685-FA.
Curt Storlazzi info project number GX15ZP00FRV0000
Filled out by Carol Reiss so Curt could get a FAN to initiate travel.
Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2015-685-FA
Time series data of wave height and water surface elevation were acquired for 109 days at four locations off of the north coast and four locations off the south coast of Buck Island, U.S. Virgin Islands, in support of a study on the coastal circulation patterns and the transformation of surface waves over the coral reefs.