Field Activity 2017-316-FA

Identifier 2017-316-FA
Purpose To gather geologic structure information related to rock-coral sampling sites in the Miami ship channel. Acquire subbottom profiles crossing the inner shelf at the Miami ship channel. Also collect multibeam imagery.
Location Miami, FL
Summary Acquired swath bathymetry and subbottom imagery.
Info derived Margin and reef structure. High resolution bathymetry.
26' Parker
Ford F-350 Dually White (GSA)
Start St. Petersburg, FL/Matheson Hammock County Park 2017-05-15
End St. Petersburg, FL 2017-05-19
Days in the field 3
West -80.15350342
East -80.03786621
North 25.79517731
South 25.73307488
Marine operations Yes


600 Fourth Street South
St. Petersburg, FL33701-4846
(727) 502-8000
Principal investigators Stanley D LockerLauren T Toth
Crew members
Stanley D Locker
Scientist, Staff
Joseph J Fredericks
Scientist, Staff
Hunter S Wilcox
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Arnell S Forde
Specialist, Information
Joseph J Fredericks
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Seismics, Sonar
Data type: Bubble Gun, Multibeam, Sound Velocity

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Bubble Pulser Bubble Gun (no data reported)
Bubble Pulser Hydrophone Streamer Cable Bubble Gun (no data reported)
Multibeam Bathymetry System Multibeam (no data reported)
Valeport SWiFT SVP Sound Velocity (no data reported)


Samples collected during this field activity