Collect nearshore bathymetry and beach topography in Monterey Bay
Monterey Bay, beaches and nearshore at Seascape and Sunset State Beach
Base, bathy, field_notes, linefile, matlab, sediment_sampling, svp and topo submitted to FAD by Andrew Stevens 12/6/2017
Info derived
Nearshore bathymetry, beach topography using jetskis, GPS backpacks, UAS-derived photography for SfM and Argus products
GGONR project
Local Fieldwork, NO OT
Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2016-627-FA
Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2016-674-FA
Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2017-620-FA
Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2017-678-FA