Identifier |
Purpose |
To collect high resolution images to use to determine nesting habitat for plovers. |
Location |
Whiskey Island, LA |
Info derived |
The high resolution images will be used to create DEM's, orthophotos, point clouds to be used for plover nesting habitat. |
Comments |
Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2018-005-FA |
Projects |
Platform |
on foot survey conducted on foot
Itinerary |
Start |
New Orleans |
2018-04-30 |
End |
New Orleans |
2018-05-04 |
Days in the field |
5 |
Bounds |
West |
-90.86997986 |
East |
-90.60486672 |
North |
29.08388896 |
South |
29.02034015 |