Field Activity 2020-308-FA

Identifier 2020-308-FA
Purpose Primary purpose is a site visit to coral calcification monitoring stations to measure coral and algal calcification rates - extending the coral-calcification assessment network to another NPS unit in the U.S. Virgin Islands: Buck Island Reef National Monument (BUIS).
Location Buck Island Reef National Monument, St. Croix, USVI
Summary Conducted site visit to coral calcification monitoring stations in U.S. Virgin Islands: Buck Island Reef National Monument (BUIS) to measure coral and algal calcification rates. Gathered coral growth rates, underwater temperature and collected algae disks to measure accretion rates.
Info derived ESA-listed coral growth rates; underwater temperature; algal accretion rates.
Comments Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2019-368-FA **Due to Covid-19 lockdown, researchers did not go on this trip during the originally scheduled dates of April 19-May 15, 2020**
Start Christiansted, VI 2020-06-15
End Christiansted, VI 2020-06-19
Days in the field 5
West -64.62915336
East -64.60828027
North 17.79211382
South 17.78190285
Marine operations Yes
Scuba operations Yes


600 Fourth Street South
St. Petersburg, FL33701-4846
(727) 502-8000
Principal investigators Ilsa B KuffnerLauren T Toth
Crew members
Billy J Reynolds
Scientist, Staff
Ilsa B Kuffner
Scientist, Staff
Anastasios Stathakopoulos
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Lucy A Bartlett
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Biological Field Study, Environmental Data, Imagery, Location-Elevation, Sampling
Data type: Experiments (biological), Temperature, Photo, Video, Navigation, Biology

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Balance Experiments (biological), Surveys (biological) (no data expected)
Pneumatic Drill Experiments (biological), Surveys (biological) (no data expected)
Settling plates Experiments (biological), Surveys (biological) 2
HOBO Water Temperature Pro V2 Data Logger Temperature (no data reported)
Digital Camera Photo, Video 1
Garmin GPS Navigation (no data expected)


Datasets compiled from multiple sources

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
Palmata_growth_VI_USA Settling plates Data describing the growth of the coral Acropora palmata from 2019 to 2021 at three sites in Buck Island Reef National Monument Ilsa B Kuffner
Strigosa_growth_VI_USA Settling plates Data describing the growth of the coral Pseudodiploria strigosa from 2019 to 2021 at three sites in Buck Island Reef National Monument Ilsa B Kuffner
VI_coral_photo_record Digital Camera Photographic time-series images (JPEG) of coral condition during the growth experiment Ilsa B Kuffner


Samples collected during this field activity