Field Activity 2021-022-FA

Identifier 2021-022-FA
Alternate names Marconi Beach 2021
Purpose To characterize the beach and nearshore morphology and evaluate the USGS Total Water Level and Coastal Change Forecast. Use of ARGUS Camera systems (CoastCams) to visualize and map the beach and nearshore region to determine the types of bar morphologies, their persistence and temporal variability, and the relationship of these changes to wave and water-level conditions. This includes the installation, reference mark occupation, and collection of external camera calibration data for ARGUS cameras (target coordinates) at Marconi Beach; subaerial survey measurements to map beach; aerial imagery from kite/balloon to map beach; bathymetric soundings from WHOI autonomous surface vehicle to map nearshore; and collect sediment samples.
Location Marconi Beach, Wellfleet, Cape Cod National Seashore, Barnstable County, MA, United States
Summary 2021-03-10: Survey at Marconi Beach (J. Over, J. Cramer, C. Sherwood, E. Marsjanik, P. Traykovski) ASV launched with single beam echo-sounder to measure bathymetry, Two SP80 recievers used, one connected to base, one using CORS network through hotspot. Moved plywood targets in front of camera and also took 20 sediment samples. 2021-03-17: Survey at Marconi Beach with helium kite and one rover connected to CORs via hotspot. Aeropoints and plywood targets deployed for ground control and CACO2 camera calibration. (J. Over, E. Marsjanik, R. Bales, and P. Traykovski).
Info derived Location and orientation of the new Marconi ARGUS camera system; topography and bathymetry of the beach and nearshore region in view of the cameras and grain size distribution.
Comments Add events 1/14/2021 - Eric Marsjanik used SP 80 receiver to occupy reference marks at Marconi for future survey days; 1/15/2021- Eric Marsjanik returned with SP 80 receiver at Marconi Beach to re-occupy reference marks for future survey days 2021-03-10 Marconi Beach bathymetry survey and RTK survey, Targets for camera calibration set out and sediment samples taken (J. Over, C. Sherwood, J. Cramer, E, Marsjanik, P. Traykovski). 2021-03-17 Marconi beach Helium balloon imagery survey and more targets for camera calibration set-out. (J. Over, E. Marsjanik, R. Bales, and P. Traykovski) 2021-04-20 Marconi Beach camera lens were changed and external calibration was re-done with more targets on the beach (J. Over, E. Marsjanik, N. Randall, O. DeMeo) Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2021-014-FA for the Head of the Meadow Field Work.
on foot
survey conducted on foot
Start Falmouth, MA 2021-01-14
End Falmouth, MA 2021-04-20
Days in the field 5
Activity events
Start date End date Description
2021-01-14 2021-01-14 Eric Marsjanik used SP 80 receiver to occupy reference marks at Marconi for future survey days
2021-01-15 2021-01-15 Eric Marsjanik returned with SP 80 receiver at Marconi Beach to re-occupy reference marks for future survey days
2021-03-10 2021-03-10 Marconi Beach bathymetry survey and RTK survey, Targets for camera calibration set out and sediment samples taken (J. Over, C. Sherwood, J. Cramer, E, Marsjanik, P. Traykovski).
2021-03-17 2021-03-17 Marconi beach Helium balloon imagery survey and more targets for camera calibration set-out. (J. Over, E. Marsjanik, R. Bales, and P. Traykovski).
West -69.96538639
East -69.95124817
North 41.89942711
South 41.89056063


384 Woods Hole Road
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA02543-1598
(508) 548-8700
Principal investigators Christopher R Sherwood
Crew members
Christopher R Sherwood
Scientist, Staff
Steven E Suttles
Scientist, Staff
Eric D. Marsjanik
Scientist, Staff
Jennifer M Cramer
Scientist, Staff
Jin-Si R Over
Scientist, Staff
Robert D Bales
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Jin-Si R Over
Specialist, Information
Affiliate principal Peter Traykovski (WHOI)

Data types and categories

Data category: Imagery, Sonar, Sampling, Location-Elevation
Data type: Other Imagery, Single Beam, Geology, Navigation, Photo

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Ricoh GR II These RGB 3-band images were collected of the waterline, beach, and bluffs with sufficient overlap to produce structure-from-motion photogrammetry products to create a model of Marconi Beach Photo 4
Spectra Precision SP80 Spectra Precision equipment used as a rover and base station to collect Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) data (i.e. elevation, position) Navigation 1
PPK GPS An Emlid Reach M2 was attached/hot shoed to the Richo GR II to take a GPS position every time a picture was taken. A base station was also simultaneously taking information. After the field activity the GPS log and base logs were processed. Navigation 1
Sampling scoop Sediments were taken from the beach from the top 2 cm for grainsize analysis. Geology 1
Echosounder ECS 24D Attached to SSV-Small Surf Vessel, Echologger ECS D24 used to collect bathymetry data in view of the CoastCam cameras at Marconi Beach Single Beam 2
Aeropoint targets The AeroPoints are deployed as ground control points and have an internal GPS that are uploaded and post-processed in the Propeller network. Navigation, Transects, Profiles 1


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
2021022FA_Marconi_DSM Ricoh GR II Digital surface model representing Marconi Beach, Wellfleet during field activity 2021-022-FA on March 17, 2021 Jin-Si R Over
2021022FA_Marconi_f1 Ricoh GR II Images collected with camera (Ricoh GRII) attached to a helium powered balloon-kite (Allsopp Helikite LTD) (JPG image format, EXIF headers have been added to include navigation and time tags). Jin-Si R Over
2021022FA_Marconi_ortho Ricoh GR II Orthomosaic representing Marconi Beach, Wellfleet from images acquired during field activity 2021-022-FA on March 17, 2021 Jin-Si R Over
2021022FA_Marconi_nav_transects Spectra Precision SP80 Real-time kinematic (RTK) elevation data from two Spectra Precision SP80 GNSS receivers during survey 2021-022-FA on Marconi Beach (CSV and shapefile points and line shapefile of the transects.) Jin-Si R Over
2021022FA_Marconi_photolocations PPK GPS Post-processed navigation file, including image times and corresponding camera positions. (CSV format). Jin-Si R Over
Grain Size Analysis at Marconi Beach Sampling scoop Location and grain size analysis of sediment samples collected at Head of the Meadow Beach (Geographic, NAD83, point shapefile, CSV, XLSX formats). Jin-Si R Over
2021022FA_Marconi_bathymetry Echosounder ECS 24D Single-beam bathymetry taken with echosounder mounted on autonomous surf vehicle (1-meter resolution cloud optimized 32-bit float GeoTIFF in UTM Zone 19N and Trackline data in CSV format) Jin-Si R Over
2021022FA_Truro_ nav_AeroPoints Aeropoint targets Post-processed kinematic (PPK) location data from deployed ground control targets (AeroPoints) (CSV format). Jin-Si R Over

Datasets compiled from multiple sources

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
2021022FA_Marconi_topobathy Ricoh GR II Topobathy grid representing the backshore to the nearshore environment at Marconi Beach, Wellfleet from data taken during field activity 2021-022-FA on March 10 and 17, 2021 Jin-Si R Over
2021022FA_Marconi_topobathy Echosounder ECS 24D Topobathy grid representing the backshore to the nearshore environment at Marconi Beach, Wellfleet from data taken during field activity 2021-022-FA on March 10 and 17, 2021 Jin-Si R Over