Field Activity 2022-005-FA

Identifier 2022-005-FA
Alternate names Ocean Infinity Proj Num: 104313
Purpose High resolution mapping and photographic imaging of past nodule extraction activities
Location Blake Plateau
Summary Data were collected using a Hugin 6000 AUV launched from the M/V Deep Helder during 7 dives between Aug 5th and 11th. Data were collected along 758 linear kilometers of survey lines covering approximately 29 square kilometers.
Info derived Seafloor morphology, sub-bottom structure, benthic environmental characterization
Comments This survey was originally planned for the NOAA Ship Nancy Foster, but is now using the M/V Deep Helder owned and operated by MMT/Ocean Infinity
Deep Helder
DP2 (dynamic positioning) Offshore survey and ROV vessel with 50 berths; length: 61.4 m; beam 15.77 m; heli deck.
Hugin 6000 AUV
Autonomous underwater vehicle that can carry a variety of payload acquisition instruments. Length 6.2 m with a depth rating of 6000 meters.
Start New Bedford, MA 2022-07-31
End Charleston, SC 2022-08-12
Days in the field 13
West -78.4287416
East -78.3462152
North 31.0724452
South 30.9938278


USGS, Wetland and Aquatic Research Center
Gainesville, FL
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA)
384 Woods Hole Road
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA02543-1598
(508) 548-8700
Principal investigators Jason Chaytor
Crew members
Jason Chaytor
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Brian Andrews
Specialist, Information
Affiliate principal Amanda Demopoulos, WARC

Data types and categories

Data category: Sonar, Seismics, Imagery, Environmental Data
Data type: Sidescan, Multibeam, Sub Bottom Profiler, Photo, CTD

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Other Unknown, Multibeam, Single Beam, Sidescan, Interferometric, Sound Velocity (no data reported)
Other Unknown, Multichannel, Boomer, Sub Bottom Profiler, Sparker, Bubble Gun, Air Gun / Water Gun, Ocean Bottom Seismometer, Sonobuoy (no data reported)
Digital camera Photo (no data reported)
Other Unknown, Meteorology, CTD, Temperature, pH, CO2, Radon, Conductivity, Current, Dissolved Oxygen, Turbidity, Fluorescence, Wave, ORP, Tide, Methane, Depth, Light, Nitrate, Gas Hydrates, Density, Sediment Properties, Osmometic Pressure, Chlorophyll, Nutrients, Pressure (no data reported)


Samples collected during this field activity