Field Activity 2022-016-FA

Identifier 2022-016-FA
Purpose To collect baseline turbidity data in Wellfleet Harbor before the Herring River Restoration project begins.
Location Mayo Beach, Wellfleet, MA
Summary Turbidity data were collected at the Mayo and Town Grant sites in Wellfleet, MA from April 2022 through Oct 2022, alongside bed elevation data collected by the Center for Coastal Studies. In October, it was discovered that the frames were damaged, so all instruments were pulled out of the water and the frames were sent for repair. We redeployed the turbidity sensor at the Town Grant site in Nov 2022, which is currently collecting data and will be recovered in Feb 2023. The data will be used to describe the sediment response of Wellfleet Harbor in the context of the tidal channel restoration, which is scheduled to begin next year; the current data show bed elevation change and suspended sediment concentration under both stormy and calm conditions in the context of the strong spring-neap signal at this site. With additional winter data (being collected now), we should have a robust "before restoration" signal. These instruments will be redeployed during and after the restoration to observe the effects on local oystering grounds and the harbor.
Info derived Turbidity, grain size
Comments The Account Number is GX.22.LQ00.UHB03.00
on foot
survey conducted on foot
Start Wellfleet, MA 2022-02-23
End Wellfleet, MA 2022-12-31
Activity events
Start date End date Description
2022-02-23 2022-02-23 Randall and Castagno to Mayo Beach and Town Grant for sediment samples where existing Center for Coastal Studies' altimeter tripods are deployed. Evaluated tripods to determine where ECO turbidity sensors could be added. Took water quality measurements with YSI, including turbidity.
2022-04-05 2022-04-05 Randall and Allen, and Castagno and colleagues from Center for Coastal Studies install ECO NTU sensors and collect water samples. Successfully installed ECO NTU serial number 508 at Town Grant. Collected 1 water sample there at 15:30 UTC while instrument was sampling. Need to return to site on a day with lower tides to install other sensor and collect water samples.
2022-04-20 2022-04-20 Install ECO NTU 547 at Mayo. Allen, Randall, and colleagues from the Center for Coastal Studies successfully installed ECO NTU 547 at Mayo site, at 0.24 mab. We collected 3 grab samples for SSC analysis at TG site, and 4 at Mayo site.
2022-07-14 2022-07-15 Allen and Castango will retrieve both OBS sensors on Jul 14, then reinstall the cleaned and re-batteried sensors on Jul 15. Both sensors were retrieved on Jul 14. Sensor at Town Grant (508) was re-installed on Jul 15, and SSC samples were collected at that site along side the sensor.
2022-08-16 2022-08-16 Allen, Castagno, and Fitzgerald will re-deploy ECONTU 547 at Mayo site. Sensor was deployed, and 4 SSC grab samples were collected for calibration.
2022-10-06 2022-10-06 Castagno (Center for Coastal Studies) recovered ECO NTU 508 at TG site upon discovering that the frame had been damaged.
2022-10-13 2022-10-13 Castagno recovered ECO NTU 547 at Mayo site.
2022-11-29 2022-11-29 Allen and Castagno will re-deploy instrument frame + ECO NTU 508 at TG site. Instrument frame, Sontek ADCP, altimeter, and ECO NTU all deployed at TG site by Allen and Castagno. No water samples collected.
2023-02-16 2023-02-16 Suttles and Castagno will recover and re-deploy instruments at TG site and collect water samples for ssc/loi analysis.
2023-05-09 2023-05-09 Allen and Castagno will recover the deployed ECONTU at TG site, deploy a new one, and collect SSC grab samples. Task successful
2023-08-04 2023-08-04 Allen and Castagno will recover inst 508 and deploy inst 547, and collect SSC grab samples. Instruments deployed and recovered successfully; 2 water samples for SSC/ LOI analysis collected.
2023-11-27 2023-11-27 Allen and Castagno will recover ECO NTU 547 deployed at Town Grant site, re-deploy ECO NTU 508, and collect water samples for SSC/LOI. ECO NTUs successfully swapped. 1 water sample collected, will not be analyzed.
2024-03-08 2024-03-08 Allen and Castagno recovered ECONTU 508 deployed at the Town Grant site successfully, no water samples for SSC/ LOI were collected.
West -70.07698059
East -70.00934601
North 41.93778583
South 41.91428582


384 Woods Hole Road
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA02543-1598
(508) 548-8700
Principal investigators Neil Kamal Ganju
Crew members
Rachel M Allen
Scientist, Staff
Randall, Noa
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Olivia A De Meo
Specialist, Information
Affiliate principal Katie Castagno, Center for Coastal Studies

Data types and categories

Data category: Sampling, Time Series
Data type: Chemistry, Mooring (physical oceanography)


1154, 1155

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Water sampler Chemistry (no data reported)
Turbidity Mooring (physical oceanography) (no data reported)


Samples collected during this field activity