Field Activity 2022-023-FA

Identifier 2022-023-FA
Alternate names CDR_22
Purpose Continuous monitoring of surface water and pore-water depth, salinity, and temperature, soil temperature and meteorological data, and pore-water collection for chemistry analysis in a salt marsh study site to examine environmental geochemistry and the impact of olivine amendments on salt marsh environments.
Location Wellfleet, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, United States
Summary Sediment and porewater collections are completed. Samples are stored in WHSC walk-in freezers and refrigerators or distributed to external laboratories for analysis. Gas flux and CTD measurements are completed. Raw data files and field notes are stored in WHSC network folders.
Info derived Time-series sensor data soil temperature; well porewater and surface water CTD measurements. Discrete gas flux measurements of CO2 and CH4 from study site wetland vegetation sites will correspond with pore-water collections for chemical constituents (including DOC,DIC, Alkalinity, Chloride, Sulfate) and multi-parameter YSI measurements.
on foot
survey conducted on foot
Start Woods Hole, MA 2022-05-09
End Wellfleet, MA 2022-12-31
Days in the field 30
Activity events
Start date End date Description
2022-05-10 2022-05-12 Installation of boardwalk and gas flux chamber bases at study site. Installation of wells and deployment of well loggers and temperature loggers. Kevin Kroeger, Jen O'Keefe Suttles, Adrian Mann, Wally Brooks, Sophie Kuhl, Meagan Eagle.
2022-05-23 2022-05-23 Installation of sippers used to collect porewater samples (5/23). Porewater sample collections and YSI measurements (5/24-5/27). Installation and deployment of offshore CTD adjacent to study site in Herring River (5/25). Biochar, quartz sand, and olivine amendments placed in designated plots (5/25-5/26). Gas flux measurements (5/27). Sophie Kuhl, Wally Brooks, Simone Gibson, Meagan Eagle, Jen O'keefe Suttles, Rebecca Sanders-Demott, Kevin Kroeger.
2022-05-31 2022-05-31 Porewater sample collections and YSI measurements. Sophie Kuhl, Kevin Kroeger.
2022-06-21 2022-06-21 Porewater sample collections and YSI measurements. Gas flux measurements. Well CTD and temperature logger data downloaded. Sophie Kuhl, Jen O'keefe Suttles, Sydney Nick.
2022-06-27 2022-06-27 Porewater sample collections and YSI measurements. Sophie Kuhl, Kevin Kroeger.
2022-06-28 2022-06-28 Well CTD and temperature logger data downloaded. Sophie Kuhl, Jen O'keefe Suttles.
2022-07-06 2022-07-06 Infiltrometer measurements taken at several locations within study site. Sophie Kuhl.
2022-07-14 2022-07-14 Core collection for Ra/Th analysis. Meagan Eagle, Simone Gibson.
2022-07-19 2022-07-19 Gas flux measurements (7/19). Porewater sample collections and YSI measurements (7/20-7/21). Kevin Kroeger, Sophie Kuhl.
2022-07-25 2022-07-25 Offshore CDT data downloaded. Wally Brooks.
2022-08-05 2022-08-05 RTK treatment plots, infiltrometer sites, wells, and core location. Sydney Nick.
2022-08-08 2022-08-08 CTD data from upland fringe deep well downloaded and logger swapped out. Jen O'keefe Suttles, Sophie Kuhl.
2022-08-29 2022-08-29 Porewater sample collections and YSI measurements (8/29-8/30). Core collection for Ra/Th analysis (8/29). Gas flux measurements (9/1). Sophie Kuhl, Kevin Kroeger, Jen O'keefe Suttles, Meagan Eagle, Sydney Nick.
2022-09-26 2022-09-26 Porewater sample collections and YSI measurements (9/26-9/27). Gas flux measurements (9/28). Sophie Kuhl, Sydney Nick, Adrian Mann.
2022-10-17 2022-10-17 Sediment cores collected for analysis by Vesta and National Park Service (10/17 & 19). RTK vertical temperature profilers and offshore CTD, and offshore CTD removed (10/20). Well CTDs removed (10/21). Surface sediment collected for analysis by USGS GEMSC (10/21). Kevin Kroeger, Adrian Mann, Meagan Eagle, Sophie Kuhl, Sydney Nick, Wally Brooks, Jen O'keefe Suttles.
West -70.21911621
East -69.90600586
North 41.95131995
South 41.84910469


Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution(WHOI)
Woods Hole, MA02543
National Park Service(NPS)
multiple locations
384 Woods Hole Road
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA02543-1598
(508) 548-8700
Principal investigators Kevin D KroegerMeagan J Eagle
Crew members
Thomas W Brooks
Scientist, Staff
Jennifer A O'keefe Suttles
Scientist, Staff
Adrian C Mann
Scientist, Staff
Sanders-Demott, Rebecca
Scientist, Staff
Sydney K Nick
Scientist, Staff
Gibson, Simone
Scientist, Staff
Kuhl, Sophie
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Meagan J Eagle
Specialist, Information
Jennifer A O'keefe Suttles
Specialist, Information
Kuhl, Sophie
Specialist, Information
Affiliate principal Grace Andrews, Vesta; Aleck Wang, WHOI; Timothy P. Smith, NPS;
Affiliate staff Kate Morkeski, WHOI; Petra Zuniga, NPS; Ocea van Loenen, Vesta

Data types and categories

Data category: Environmental Data, Location-Elevation, Biological Field Study, Geochemical, Time Series, Sampling
Data type: CTD, Transects, Experiments (biological), Experiments (geochemical), Geochemical Monitoring, Chemistry

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
RTK Transects, Benchmarks (no data reported)
Chambers for gas flux measurement Experiments (geochemical) (no data reported)
LI-COR 7810 CH4 CO2 analyzer Experiments (geochemical) (no data reported)
Onset HOBO Weather Station Geochemical Monitoring (no data reported)
Onset HOBO Temperature Logger Experiments (geochemical), Geochemical Monitoring (no data reported)
InSitu BaroTroll 500 Geochemical Monitoring (no data reported)
In-Situ AquaTroll 200 (CTD) Geochemical Monitoring, Conductivity, Depth, Temperature (no data reported)
Pore water sampling Chemistry (no data reported)
Masterflex Portable Peristaltic Pump Chemistry (no data reported)
Creek moorings Chemistry (no data reported)
Groundwater wells (PVC) Chemistry (no data reported)


Samples collected during this field activity