Field Activity 2022-635-FA

Identifier 2022-635-FA
Purpose conduct ROV and AUV surveys of deep sea coral and sponge habitat and CTD and discrete ROV sampling of biologic specimens
Location Cascadia Margin
Summary Unfortunately, despite substantial planning, the cruise was cut short due to NOAA medical/personnel issues. However, 3 days of operations were conducted which included CTDs (7 casts), ROV (3 ROV science dives) and AUV (3 AUV surveys) dives and deployment of the wave glider in addition to select number of specimens for isotope and eDNA analysis. ROV dive annotations have been completed by T. Laidig.
Info derived video and stills of habitat and community composition, food web (isotopes) and environmental (water column) data
Bell M. Shimada
Length 209 feet
Start Newport, Oregon 2022-09-03
End Newport, Oregon 2022-09-15
Days in the field 13
West -125.59570313
East -123.13476563
North 46.4378569
South 43.32517768


National Marine Fisheries Service, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA
Principal investigators Nancy G Prouty
Crew members
Information specialist(s)
(not identified)
Specialist, Information
Affiliate principal Elizabeth Clarke Northwest Fisheries Science Center Tom Laidig Southwest Fisheries Science Center

Data types and categories

Data category: Sampling, Imagery
Data type: Chemistry, Biology, Video, Photo

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Other Unknown, Geology, Biology, Chemistry (no data reported)
Other Unknown, Geology, Biology, Chemistry (no data reported)
Other Photo, Video, Other Imagery, Satellite (no data reported)
Other Photo, Video, Other Imagery, Satellite (no data reported)


Samples collected during this field activity