Collect sediment, sediment pore water and water samples from karst subterranean estuaries
Mainland NE Yucatan Peninsula and Cozumel Island
From Feb 8-17 2023, water samples, sediment, and pore fluids were collected at the following sites on the Yucatan Peninsula (YUC) and Cozumel (COZ) in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico: Casa Cenote, Cenote Bang, Cenote Crustacean, and Aerolito Cave. Forty-six (46) Water samples were collected with 500 ml syringes and distributed for analysis of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), major anions (Chloride and sulfate) and dissolved methane/CO2. Of the 46 samples, only 15 for analyzed for gases. Thirty-nine (39) sediment and pore water samples were collected with the OPP water sampling system for analysis of dissolved organic carbon and major anions. Also the EXO2 sonde was deployed for physicochemical analysis of the water column at each site. The data currently reside on John Pohlman’s hard drive and are backed up on the USGS OneDrive.
Info derived
pore water geochemical data, water column geochemical and physicochemical data, sediment geochemical data
Dive plan approved by local and national USGS Dive Safety Officers