Field Activity 2023-014-FA

Identifier 2023-014-FA -- CANCELED
Purpose Multicoring and grab sampling in support of ONR SBCEX22 project
Location NE Mud Patch/SNE Shelf Edge
Info derived sediment physical properties
Hugh R. Sharp
Length 146 feet/ beam 32 feet.
Start Woods Hole, MA 2023-06-24
End Woods Hole, MA 2023-07-02
Days in the field 7
West -71.19689941
East -70.55419922
North 40.73060848
South 39.8928799


384 Woods Hole Road
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA02543-1598
(508) 548-8700
Principal investigators Jason Chaytor
Crew members
Brian Buczkowski
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Brian Buczkowski
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Environmental Data, Sampling
Data type: Sediment Properties, Geology

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Smith-MacIntyre grab Biology, Geology (no data reported)
SeaBOSS Surveys (biological), Experiments (biological), Species ID, Photo, Video, Geology, Biology (no data reported)
OSIL Mega Multiple Corer Chemistry, Geology, Biology (no data reported)


Samples collected during this field activity