Field Activity 1974-015-FA

Identifier 1974-015-FA
Alternate names KNKE BLM-Leg Charlie; CORPUS 24/30
Purpose The overall program is a baseline assessment of the South Texas Outer Continental Shelf. Objectives of the geological studies being carried out under the program by the USGS are: nature and distribution of bottom sediments, nature of suspended sediments in the water column, trace metals chemistry of sediments; late Pleistocene and Holocene structural and sedimentologic evolution of the shelf; delineation of surface areas of the shelf where geologic conditions might be hazardous to petroleum development; and predictive evaluation to the extent possible of the possible effects of the physical and chemical processes operative across the shelf on the dispersion and assimilation of contaminants that might be generated by petroleum development.
Location south Texas outer continental shelf, Texas, United States, Gulf of Mexico, North America, North Atlantic;
Summary Patterns on the acoustic profiles that are believed to be gas seeps were recorded at a number of places on the shelf (most numerous on the outer edge of the shelf). Extensive faulting exists over most parts of the South Texas OCS. The submerged reefs, or so-called topographic highs, are but the exposed part of extensive thin carbonate banks buried by sedimentation. Smith-MacIntyre grabs: 40; Gravity cores: 13; Box cores: 32; Benthic faunal collections: 72; XBTs: 12; Surface drifter casts: 36 (3 at each of 12 stations); Quality control sample for trace metals: 6; Hydrocarbon back-up sample: 32; Water samples for suspended sediments: 9 (3 at each of 3 stations); Minisparker: 1,000 mi.; 3.5 kHz profiles: 1,400 miles; 12 kHz PDR; Klein Model 400 sidescan sonar: approx. 400 miles.
Comments Project = Marine geological survey of the South Texas OCS, Marine geological survey of the South Texas OCS
Related activities
1974-012-FA: Cruise legs
Kana Keoki
156 feet
Start (port not specified) 1974-11-29
End (port not specified) 1974-12-21
Days in the field 24
West -97.25
East -95.8
North 28.5
South 26


384 Woods Hole Road
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA02543-1598
(508) 548-8700
Principal investigators Henry Berryhill
Crew members
Deborah R Hutchinson
Scientist, Staff
Ronald J. Miller
Scientist, Staff
Forrestel, Patricia
Scientist, Staff
Meeder, Charles
Scientist, Staff
Henry Berryhill
Scientist, Staff
Freeland, Jean
Scientist, Staff
Hovey, Elizabeth
Scientist, Staff
Fitchko, Robert
Scientist, Staff
Phillips, Richard
Scientist, Staff
Affiliate staff Donald McNair (ET, sidescan sonar - Ocean Systems, Inc.); Robert Cole (Regional Supervisor - Decca Co.); Robert Trice (Navigator - Decca Co.); Roger Melton (Navigator - Decca Co.)

Data types and categories

Data category: Environmental Data, Location-Elevation, Sampling, Seismics, Sonar
Data type: Conductivity, Temperature, Navigation, Chemistry, Sparker, Sidescan, Single Beam

Documents: Notes and log books

Name Description
Cruise report Chief Scientist's cruise report describing ship movement, personnel, equipment and data acquisition notes, area map (one with tracklines and one with sample locations).

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Klein 400 sidescan sonar Sidescan (no data reported)
Sparker Sparker (no data reported)
Magnavox satellite positioning system Navigation (no data reported)
XBT Temperature (no data reported)
Loran-A Navigation (no data reported)
Niskin bottle Chemistry (no data reported)
Single channel hydrophone Air Gun / Water Gun, Boomer, Bubble Gun, Sparker, Sub Bottom Profiler (no data reported)
12 kHz Single Beam (no data reported)


Samples collected during this field activity