Field Activity 1976-048-FA

Identifier 1976-048-FA
Purpose This WHITEFOOT cruise was planned in response to the ARGO MERCHANT oil spill. Objectives were to deploy 1 current meter mooring (#123) and 1 tripod (#121) to determine subsurface flow pattern over Nantucket Shoals to predict and hindcast oil spill trajectories and monitor bottom conditions, particularly to observe any oil sinking to the bottom; and to obtain bottom grab samples at several shallow locations to determine if any oil was reaching the bottom.
Location Nantucket Shoals, Massachusetts, United States, North America, North Atlantic;
Summary Tripod deployed: 1 (#121 recovered FA 77009 WHITEFOOT Mar. 8 - Apr. 17, 1977); Current meter deployed: 1 (#123 recovered FA 77009 WHITEFOOT Mar. 8 - Apr. 17, 1977); Samples: 2.
Comments Project = ARGO MERCHANT Oil Spill, ARGO MERCHANT Oil Spill
Related activities
1977-009-FA: Deployment-recovery
Start Woods Hole, MA 1976-12-22
End Woods Hole, MA 1976-12-29
Days in the field 5
West -69.22455137
East -69.0347349
North 40.93518736
South 40.75881587


384 Woods Hole Road
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA02543-1598
(508) 548-8700
Principal investigators Bradford Butman
Crew members
Bradford Butman
Scientist, Staff
David Folger
Scientist, Staff
William J. Strahle
Scientist, Staff

Data types and categories

Data category: Imagery, Sampling, Time Series
Data type: Photo, Geology, Mooring (physical oceanography)

Documents: Notes and log books

Name Description
Cruise report Chief Scientist's cruise report of ship movement, personnel, equipment and data acquisition. Includes trackmap as well as a schematic of the bottom tripod.


RCV:; DEP: 121, 123;

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Van Veen grab sampler Geology (no data reported)
Camera- deep sea Photo 1
Current Mooring (physical oceanography) 1


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
1976-048-FA-PH-001 Camera- deep sea film collection of TRIPOD 121; 19761228-19970417 Nancy K. Soderberg
1976-048-FA-OM-001 Current A moored array deployed after the ARGO MERCHANT ran aground on Nantucket Shoals designed to help understand the fate of the spilled oil Ellyn Montgomery


Samples collected during this field activity