Field Activity 1984-004-FA

Identifier 1984-004-FA
Alternate names 149
Purpose This cruise was part of a continuing study of currents and sediment transport on the Continental Slope. The major objectives of the cruise were: 1) to recover Slope Array II (three subsurface moorings at stations SA, SE, and SF, and a bottom tripod at T); 2) to deploy Slope Array III (five subsurface moorings at stations SA, SE, SF, SG, and SH, and one bottom tripod at station T); 3) to recover and redeploy four surface guard buoys at stations SF and T; and 4) to conduct a hydrographic survey across the outer shelf and upper slope between 68 and 71 degrees W.
Location southern New England Shelf and slope, United States, North America, North Atlantic;
Summary Moorings deployed: 6 (#277, 278, 279, 280, 281, and 282 recovered FA 84024 OCEANUS 159 Nov. 13-24, 1984). Moorings recovered: 4 (#273, 274, 275, and 276, all deployed FA 83011 OCEANUS 149 Oct. 17-24, 1983). All mooring work was completed as planned. Bad weather curtailed mooring operations for one full day and made work difficult during most of the cruise. A moderate CTD survey was completed. The current meter on the bottom tripod system failed after about 3 weeks, probably because of a bad connecting cable. To assure near-bottom current data, an additional subsurface mooring was deployed at station T on OCEANUS cruise 154 by M. Briscoe on May 16, 1984. Hydrography: CTD: 18; XBT: 18; Salinity: 51; Suspended sediment oxygen: 15; Suspended sediment nutrients: 34.
Info derived Time series data;
Comments Original Center People field contained: Brad Butman, Mike Bothner, Jay Pulliam, Cathy O'Dell, Joseph Newell, Carol Parmenter, Lawrence Poppe, Barry Irwin, Mary Polly Shoukimas, William Strahle. Project = Dynamics of Currents and Sediment Transport on the Continental Shelf and Slope, Dynamics of Currents and Sediment Transport on the Continental Shelf and Slope
Related activities
1983-011-FA: Deployment-recovery
1984-024-FA: Deployment-recovery
Length 177 feet; beam 33 feet; draft 17.5 feet.
Start Woods Hole, MA 1984-03-12
End Woods Hole, MA 1984-03-19
Days in the field 8
West -71
East -68
North 40.18333
South 39.75


384 Woods Hole Road
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA02543-1598
(508) 548-8700
Principal investigators Bradford Butman
Crew members
Michael Bothner
Scientist, Staff
Lawrence J Poppe
Scientist, Staff
Bradford Butman
Scientist, Staff
Barry J Irwin
Scientist, Staff
Parmenter, Carol M.
Scientist, Staff
William J. Strahle
Scientist, Staff
Newell, Joseph S.
Scientist, Staff
Hastings, Mary E.
Scientist, Staff
Affiliate staff Jay Pulliam, Cathy O'Dell; Andrew Eliason (Eliason Data Service)

Data types and categories

Data category: Electro-Magnetic, Environmental Data, Imagery, Location-Elevation, Time Series
Data type: Magnetics, CTD, Photo, Navigation, Mooring (physical oceanography)

Documents: Notes and log books

Name Description
Cruise report Chief Scientist's report of ship movement, personnel, equipment and data acquisition notes, trackcharts, station locations, deck log and Loran log.


RCV:273,274,275,276; DEP:277,278,279,280,281,282;

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Magnetometer (wh) Magnetics 1
CTD 19+ with OBS, PAR, DO, Chl CTD 1
Camera- deep sea Photo 1
Northstar 6000 LORAN-C Navigation 1
Bottom platform Mooring (physical oceanography) 1


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
1984-004-FA-GP-001 Magnetometer (wh) Digital tape of MG data: inv. # 1018. Nancy K. Soderberg
1984-004-FA-OM-002 CTD 19+ with OBS, PAR, DO, Chl Digital tapes of CTD STATION DATA. Nancy K. Soderberg
1984-004-FA-PH-001 Camera- deep sea film collection of TRIPOD 280; 19840316-19841118 Nancy K. Soderberg
1984-004-FA-LN-001 Northstar 6000 LORAN-C Digital tapes of NV data: inv. # 2904 thru 2906. Nancy K. Soderberg
1984-004-FA-OM-001 Bottom platform NE slope mooring data Ellyn Montgomery


Samples collected during this field activity