Collect in situ measurements of currents, waves and suspended sediment in coral reef environments using tripod mounted instrument packages to assist in determining physical constraints on coral distribution.
United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California. Chief Scientist: Mike Field. Geological data (tripod, ADP, opticalbackscattersensor, wavepressure, ADV, CTmeter) of field activity A-4-02-HW in Maui, Hawaii from 11/13/2002 to 11/19/2002
Maui instrument tripod and mini-probe will be recovered from location using the vessel Alyce C. Data from the previous deployment will be downloaded and the instruments will be refurbished at the Maui Ocean Center. The instruments will be redeployed at the same locations for further measurements.
Info derived
Current speed and direction, suspended sediment concentration, salinity, wave height and period.
Staff information imported from InfoBank
Mike Field (USGS CMG WR) - Chief Scientist
Curt Storlazzi (USGS CMG WR) - Oceanographer/Geologist
Josh Logan (USGS CMG WR) - GIS Specialist
Susie Cochran (USGS CMG WR) - Project Coordinator
Eric Thompson (USGS CMG WR/UCSC) - Project Intern
Joe Reich - Boat Captain