Recover, refurbish and re-deploy instrument packages which collect in situ measurements of currents, waves and suspended sediment in coral reef environments off Northwest Maui, Hawaii. Recover previously deployed tripod mounted camera system, which collects underwater digital imagery of live coral and sediment suspension and accumulation at a specific time interval.
United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California. Chief Scientist: Mike Field. Redeployment data (tripod, ADP, opticalbackscattersensor, wavepressure, ADV, CTmeter) of field activity A-6-03-HW in Maui, Hawaii from 10/14/2003 to 10/21/2003
Maui instrument tripods, mini-probes and wave gauges will be recovered from location using the vessel Alyce C. Data from the previous deployment will be downloaded and the instruments will be refurbished. Some of the instruments will be re-deployed at the same locations for further measurements.
Info derived
Current speed and direction, suspended sediment concentration, salinity, wave height and period.
Field activities A-4-03-HW and A-6-03-HW are related. Joshua Logan wrote on Jul 21, 2010: A403HW - Maui, June, 2003 (deployed sediment hydrodynamic tripods, bottom mounted ADCPs, and Dobie wave gauges, AND collected data with a mobile ADCP, CTD profiler and GPS drifters). A603HW - Maui, October, 2003 (retrieved above instruments, re-deployed wave gauges). Curt Storlazzi wrote on Jul 21, 2010: The instruments recovered in a-6-03-hw were deployed in a-4-03-hw. There were no moorings- all bottom-mounted instrument packages. The drifters were just deployed in a-4-03-hw.
Staff information imported from InfoBank
Curt Storlazzi (USGS CMG WR) - Oceanographer/Geologist
Josh Logan (USGS CMG WR) - GIS Specialist/ Field Assistant
Greg Piniak (USGS CMG WR) - Biologist/ Field Assistant
Mimi D'iorio (USGS CMG WR) - Field Assistant
Dave Gonzales (USGS CMG WR) - Electronics Technician
Rebecca Stamski (University of California, Santa Cruz, Earth Science Dept.) - Graduate Student
Kathy Presto (University of Washington, School of Oceanography) - Graduate Student
Joe Reich - Boat Captain
Mike Field (USGS CMG WR) - Chief Scientist