Field Activity C197WF

Identifier C197WF
Alternate names C-1-97-WF
Purpose Recovery of data from acoustic transponders that were deployed in 1992. Positional data of the transponders are used to determine spreading rates.
Description Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Chief Scientist: John Hildebrand. Redeployment data (bottomtransponder) of field activity C-1-97-WF in Juan de Fuca Ridge, southern cleft segment from 10/05/1997 to 10/10/1997
Location southern cleft segment
Info derived Spreading rates.
Comments Cooperative study with Scripps Institute of Oceanography. Staff information imported from InfoBank John Hildebrand - Scripps Carol Reiss - USGS Dave Chadwell - Scripps
Laney Chouest
235 feet long.
Start (port not specified) 1997-10-05
End (port not specified) 1997-10-10
West -135
East -122.25
North 50.75
South 42
Activity Redeployment


Scripps Institution Of Oceanography, La Jolla, Ca
La Jolla, CA
Crew members
Carol A Reiss
Scientist, Staff
Chadwell, Dave
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Carol A Reiss
Specialist, Information
Affiliate principal John Hildebrand
Affiliate staff John Hildebrand - Scripps

Data types and categories

Data category: Location-Elevation
Data type: Transects

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
bottomtransponder Transects (no data reported)


Samples collected during this field activity