Deployment of geoprobe to gather time-series data on near-bottom sediment transport and tidal/wind-driven mixing; determine effects of flow and bottom stresses on biological processes.
Chief Scientist: Dave Cacchione. Geophysical data (sidescansonar, Geoprobe, ADP, handsamplegrab) of field activity J-1-95-SF in San Francisco Bay from 02/28/1995 to 03/01/1995
San Francisco Bay
Completed side-scan survey on a site about 1 km NE of the San Mateo Bridge within the main channel. Also, deployed one geoprobe tripod and two ADCP systems within 200 m of one another in about 18 m water depth in the main channel. Obtained small bottom samples using divers for calibration of the optical instruments and for grain-size analysis.
Near-bottom Particulate Transport in San Francisco Bay
Staff information imported from InfoBank
Dave Cacchione (USGS Western Region) - Chief Scientist