To study, by continuous-reflection profiling, the volumetric distribution and internal structure of sediments deposited in a group of modern continental-margin submarine basins whose physiographic and oceanographic characteristics are relatively well known and who relations to source and other variables differ in marked degree. Thus, the sedimentary fill in the basins (the end products of marine processes of erosion, transportation, and deposition) can be related to the physical variables within the region of the basins and conclusions may be drawn regarding the important factors which have influenced its accumulation.
United States Navy Electronics Laboratory,United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California,Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Chief Scientists: George Moore, R.H. Dill. Geophysical data (airgunarcer, sonobuoy, bathymetry, LoranA, deadreckoning) of field activity S-2-63-SC in Continental Borderland, Southern California, La Jolla Canyon from 04/02/1963 to 04/06/1963
La Jolla Canyon
Info derived
Seismic reflection profiling.
Staff information imported from InfoBank
George Moore (USGS Western Region) - Chief Scientist
R.H. Dill (Scripps) - Chief Scientist