Deployed two moorings one in Mugu Canyon, one in Hueneme Canyon Collected CTD casts, Collected grab samples
United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California. Chief Scientist: Jingping Xu. Mooring Deployment data of field activity S-3-07-SC in Southern California from 09/11/2007 to 09/13/2007
Southern California
Two moorings deployed, 9 CTD casts, 5 grab samples
Info derived
A CD that contains ship-board Meterological data and Echo sounder collection during the operation. The latter also include event marks with time, position, and water depth of mooring, CTD, and grab drops.
Staff information imported from InfoBank
Jingping Xu (USGS) - Chief scientist
Joanne Ferreira (USGS) - Data specialist
Marlene Noble (USGS) - Scientist
Dave Gonzales (USGS) - ET
Hal Williams (USGS) - MT
Jonathan Borden (USGS, WH) - ET
Kurt Rosenberger (USGS) - Scientist
Rick Rendigs (USGS, WH) - MT