
Status Inactive
Platform type Unknown > Unknown > Unknown platform type
USGS Center USGS, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC)

Usage of this platform

Field activity Center Survey location and description
O168NS PCMSC Alaska
O171NP PCMSC Northern Pacific
O173CP PCMSC Nazca Plate
O175NP PCMSC about 2400 km from the East Pacific Rise.
O177NP PCMSC North Pacific Ocean
O178CP PCMSC Central Pacific Ocean
O273CP PCMSC Nazca Plate
O371NP PCMSC Northern Pacific
O373CP PCMSC Nazca Plate
O473CP PCMSC Nazca Plate
O571WP PCMSC Western Pacific
O675NP PCMSC Pacific