Hugh R. Sharp

Status Active
Photo Photograph of the platform
Description Length 146 feet/ beam 32 feet.
Platform type Vessel > Class 3 > Class 3 boats are longer than 40 feet.
USGS Center USGS, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC)
University of Deleware
Lewis, DE

Usage of this platform

Field activity Center Survey location and description
2012-007-FA WHCMSC Mid-Atlantic Slope
2015-002-FA WHCMSC Georges Bank, United States, North America, North Atlantic
2015-005-FA WHCMSC Atlantic margin between Alvin Canyon and Cape Hatteras
2016-002-FA WHCMSC U.S. mid-Atlantic inner continental shelf to shelf edge
2017-001-FA WHCMSC Atlantic margin, Hatteras to Baltimore Canyon, shelf-break to 1500 m water depth
2017-002-FA WHCMSC Mid-Atlantic outer shelf and upper continental slope, Hatteras to Wilmington Canyons
2017-671-FA PCMSC South Carolina, United States, Atlantic Ocean
2018-002-FA WHCMSC Mid-Atlantic margin, 35 nm south of Hudson Canyon to approximately Cape Hatteras, 100 m to 3500 m water depth