Leased Vessel

Status Inactive
Platform type Unknown > Unknown > Unknown platform type
USGS Center USGS, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC)
600 Fourth Street South
St. Petersburg, FL33701-4846
(727) 502-8000

Usage of this platform

Field activity Center Survey location and description
11BHM02 SPCMSC Offshore transect from Panama City to De Soto Canyon, FL and from Mobile Bay, AL to De Soto Canyon. Also transects from De Soto Canyon to St. Petersburg.
11BHM03 SPCMSC Gulf of Mexico
11BHM04 SPCMSC Two transects on the west Florida shelf. One transect extends out from Tampa Bay (~10 m to 860 m on the shelf/slope) and the other transect extends from the Big Bend area out to the shelf/slope.
11CEV02 SPCMSC Northern Gulf of Mexico, off of Pensacola, FL (De Soto Canyon Region)
12BHM01 SPCMSC Two transects in the Gulf of Mexico. One transect extends across the shelf from Panama City and over the DeSoto Canyon. The second transect is located to the south of Mobile Bay.
12CBC01 SPCMSC US Virgin Islands
12CRS03 SPCMSC Florida Keys
13CCT02 SPCMSC Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana