Equipment: SEA SWATHplus-M 234 kHz
Dataset Name: 2010-012-FA-BA-001-01
Description: CARIS (2010), a swath-bathymetry-processing software package, was used to post-process the bathymetric soundings. Sounding data were rectified for ship motion, and spurious soundings were eliminated. Corrections for sound velocity changes within the water column and tidal offsets (utilizing a NOAA discrete tidal zoning model and tidal observations from two Mississippi tide stations) were also applied to the soundings. Final soundings were referenced to mean lower low water (MLLW) vertical datum. Processed soundings from approximately 1,800 km of tracklines yielded a final bathymetric surface area of about 265 km2, which was gridded at a resolution of 50 m/pixel.
Contact: Elizabeth Pendleton (
Format: *.shp, *.tif
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