netcdf ocean-time-series/Stellwagen/CHINCOTEAGUE/ { dimensions: lat = 1; lon = 1; time = 7486; depth = 14; profile = 512; variables: float lat(lat=1); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :units = "Degrees North"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 500; // int :name = "LAT"; :long_name = "LATITUDE"; :generic_name = "lat"; :datum = "NAD83"; float lon(lon=1); :FORTRAN_format = "f10.4"; :units = "Degrees East"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 502; // int :name = "LON"; :long_name = "LONGITUDE"; :generic_name = "lon"; :datum = "NAD83"; int time(time=7486, profile=512); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :units = "True Julian Day"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 624; // int :datum = "Time (UTC) in True Julian Days: 2440000 = 0000 h on May 23, 1968"; :note = "Decimal Julian day [days] = time [days] + ( time2 [msec] / 86400000 [msec/day] )"; int time2(time=7486, profile=512); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :units = "msec since 0:00 GMT"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 624; // int :datum = "Time (UTC) in True Julian Days: 2440000 = 0000 h on May 23, 1968"; :note = "Decimal Julian day [days] = time [days] + ( time2 [msec] / 86400000 [msec/day] )"; float burst(time=7486); :units = "count"; :name = "burst"; :generic_name = "record"; :epic_code = 1207; // int :long_name = "Burst Number"; :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float profile(time=7486, profile=512); :units = "count"; :generic_name = "record"; :epic_code = 1207; // int :long_name = "Profile Number"; double depth(depth=14); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :units = "m"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 3; // int :long_name = "Depth of bin relative to input Mean Water depth (m)"; :blanking_distance = 0; // int :bin_size = 0.05; // double :center_first_bin = 0.24f; // float :bin_count = 14.0; // double :WATER_DEPTH = 1.45f; // float :WATER_DEPTH_source = "(meters), nominal depth"; :transducer_offset_from_bottom = 0.17; // double :NOTE = "uplooking bin depths = water_depth - transducer offset from bottom - bindist"; :_FillValue = 1.0000000409184788E35; // double float bindist(depth=14); :name = "bindist"; :FORTRAN_format = "f10.2"; :units = "m"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 0; // int :generic_name = "bindist"; :long_name = "bin distance from instrument (m)"; :blanking_distance = 0.0; // double :bin_size = 0.05; // double :transducer_offset_from_bottom = 0.17; // double :center_first_bin = 0.025; // double :initial_sensor_height = 0.17; // double :sensor_depth = 1.28; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :NOTE = "distance is along profile from instrument head to center of bin"; :note = "distance is along profile from instrument head to center of bin"; :minimum = 0.24f; // float :maximum = 0.89f; // float float u_1205(time=7486, profile=512, depth=14); :name = "u"; :long_name = "Eastward Velocity"; :generic_name = "u"; :FORTRAN_format = "f10.2"; :units = "cm/s"; :epic_code = 1205; // int :sensor_type = "Nortek HR Aquadopp Profiler"; :sensor_depth = 1.28; // double :initial_sensor_height = 0.17; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "AQD 5373"; :minimum = -81.90543365478516, -79.16545867919922, -80.1225814819336, -79.61441802978516, -81.78316497802734, -79.53817749023438, -82.64390563964844, -82.15322875976562, -80.68486785888672, -79.52738952636719, -79.83052825927734, -79.9743881225586, -80.70043182373047, -81.06685638427734; // double :maximum = 80.9015121459961, 81.94253540039062, 82.4272232055664, 80.72008514404297, 81.24029541015625, 79.88334655761719, 78.48806762695312, 78.56815338134766, 76.10137176513672, 78.6177749633789, 80.70238494873047, 81.1009292602539, 80.1642074584961, 81.53401947021484; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float v_1206(time=7486, profile=512, depth=14); :name = "v"; :long_name = "Northward Velocity"; :generic_name = "v"; :FORTRAN_format = "f10.2"; :units = "cm/s"; :epic_code = 1206; // int :sensor_type = "Nortek HR Aquadopp Profiler"; :sensor_depth = 1.28; // double :initial_sensor_height = 0.17; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "AQD 5373"; :minimum = -71.74256134033203, -71.05673217773438, -72.19517517089844, -71.699462890625, -72.11740112304688, -71.83565521240234, -71.38059997558594, -70.6920166015625, -71.07868194580078, -70.73011779785156, -71.01376342773438, -71.28922271728516, -72.6410140991211, -71.71041870117188; // double :maximum = 71.60906219482422, 72.25099182128906, 71.94996643066406, 71.98515319824219, 72.06095886230469, 71.19590759277344, 71.21240997314453, 71.00979614257812, 71.06871795654297, 70.98727416992188, 71.60160064697266, 71.60517120361328, 71.86708068847656, 71.90408325195312; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float w_1204(time=7486, profile=512, depth=14); :name = "w"; :long_name = "Vertical Velocity"; :generic_name = "w"; :FORTRAN_format = "f10.2"; :units = "cm/s"; :epic_code = 1204; // int :sensor_type = "Nortek HR Aquadopp Profiler"; :sensor_depth = 1.28; // double :initial_sensor_height = 0.17; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "AQD 5373"; :minimum = -27.816125869750977, -27.690458297729492, -27.65534210205078, -27.966447830200195, -27.968812942504883, -27.917762756347656, -27.56381607055664, -27.79596710205078, -27.102333068847656, -26.50258445739746, -27.42825698852539, -28.538427352905273, -28.17707633972168, -28.217557907104492; // double :maximum = 27.83686637878418, 28.047542572021484, 27.51327133178711, 27.849525451660156, 27.807100296020508, 27.179664611816406, 26.985157012939453, 26.594518661499023, 26.679304122924805, 27.621017456054688, 27.736013412475586, 28.00021743774414, 28.124250411987305, 28.48382568359375; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float P_1(time=7486, profile=512); :name = "P"; :long_name = "PRESSURE (dbar) "; :generic_name = "pressure"; :FORTRAN_format = "f10.1"; :units = "dbar"; :epic_code = 1; // int :sensor_depth = 1.28; // double :initial_sensor_height = 0.17; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :minimum = 1.0230000019073486; // double :maximum = 1.8980000019073486; // double :serial_number = "AQD 5373"; :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :sensor_type = "Nortek HR Aquadopp Profiler"; :zeroed_pressure = "Yes"; :note = "sensor zeroed before deployment"; float Tx_1211(time=7486, profile=512); :name = "Tx"; :long_name = "instrument Transducer Temp."; :generic_name = "temp"; :units = "degrees.C"; :epic_code = 1211; // int :sensor_type = "Nortek HR Aquadopp Profiler"; :sensor_depth = 1.28; // double :initial_sensor_height = 0.17; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "AQD 5373"; :minimum = 11.609999656677246; // double :maximum = 30.889999389648438; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float AGC1_1221(time=7486, profile=512, depth=14); :name = "AGC1"; :long_name = "Echo Intensity Beam 1"; :generic_name = "AGC1"; :FORTRAN_format = "F5.1"; :units = "counts"; :epic_code = 1221; // int :sensor_type = "Nortek HR Aquadopp Profiler"; :sensor_depth = 1.28; // double :initial_sensor_height = 0.17; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "AQD 5373"; :minimum = 113.0, 107.0, 107.0, 103.0, 102.0, 97.0, 97.0, 95.0, 94.0, 92.0, 91.0, 89.0, 90.0, 86.0; // double :maximum = 195.0, 195.0, 195.0, 195.0, 195.0, 194.0, 195.0, 194.0, 194.0, 195.0, 194.0, 195.0, 194.0, 194.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float AGC2_1222(time=7486, profile=512, depth=14); :name = "AGC2"; :long_name = "Echo Intensity Beam 2"; :generic_name = "AGC2"; :FORTRAN_format = "F5.1"; :units = "counts"; :epic_code = 1222; // int :sensor_type = "Nortek HR Aquadopp Profiler"; :sensor_depth = 1.28; // double :initial_sensor_height = 0.17; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "AQD 5373"; :minimum = 112.0, 105.0, 105.0, 101.0, 101.0, 99.0, 97.0, 95.0, 94.0, 92.0, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0, 85.0; // double :maximum = 195.0, 195.0, 195.0, 195.0, 195.0, 195.0, 195.0, 195.0, 195.0, 195.0, 195.0, 194.0, 194.0, 194.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float AGC3_1223(time=7486, profile=512, depth=14); :name = "AGC3"; :long_name = "Echo Intensity Beam 3"; :generic_name = "AGC3"; :FORTRAN_format = "F5.1"; :units = "counts"; :epic_code = 1223; // int :sensor_type = "Nortek HR Aquadopp Profiler"; :sensor_depth = 1.28; // double :initial_sensor_height = 0.17; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "AQD 5373"; :minimum = 107.0, 106.0, 106.0, 102.0, 98.0, 97.0, 99.0, 96.0, 94.0, 93.0, 90.0, 86.0, 80.0, 77.0; // double :maximum = 195.0, 195.0, 195.0, 195.0, 195.0, 195.0, 195.0, 194.0, 194.0, 195.0, 194.0, 194.0, 194.0, 194.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float cor1_1285(time=7486, profile=512, depth=14); :name = "cor1"; :long_name = "Beam 1 Correlation"; :generic_name = "cor1"; :FORTRAN_format = "F5.1"; :units = "percent"; :epic_code = 1285; // int :sensor_type = "Nortek HR Aquadopp Profiler"; :sensor_depth = 1.28; // double :initial_sensor_height = 0.17; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "AQD 5373"; :minimum = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0; // double :maximum = 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float cor2_1286(time=7486, profile=512, depth=14); :name = "cor2"; :long_name = "Beam 2 Correlation"; :generic_name = "cor2"; :FORTRAN_format = "F5.1"; :units = "percent"; :epic_code = 1286; // int :sensor_type = "Nortek HR Aquadopp Profiler"; :sensor_depth = 1.28; // double :initial_sensor_height = 0.17; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "AQD 5373"; :minimum = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0; // double :maximum = 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float cor3_1287(time=7486, profile=512, depth=14); :name = "cor3"; :long_name = "Beam 3 Correlation"; :generic_name = "cor3"; :FORTRAN_format = "F5.1"; :units = "percent"; :epic_code = 1287; // int :sensor_type = "Nortek HR Aquadopp Profiler"; :sensor_depth = 1.28; // double :initial_sensor_height = 0.17; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "AQD 5373"; :minimum = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0; // double :maximum = 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float Hdg_1215(time=7486, profile=512); :name = "Heading"; :long_name = "Instrument heading"; :generic_name = "hdg"; :epic_code = 1215; // int :units = "degrees"; :FORTRAN_format = "f10.2"; :sensor_type = "Nortek HR Aquadopp Profiler"; :sensor_depth = 1.28; // double :initial_sensor_height = 0.17; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "AQD 5373"; :minimum = 207.41000366210938; // double :maximum = 210.80999755859375; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :note = "Heading is degrees true. Converted from magnetic with magnetic variation of -11.59"; float Ptch_1216(time=7486, profile=512); :name = "Pitch"; :long_name = "Instrument pitch"; :generic_name = "ptch"; :epic_code = 1216; // int :units = "degrees"; :FORTRAN_format = "f10.2"; :sensor_type = "Nortek HR Aquadopp Profiler"; :sensor_depth = 1.28; // double :initial_sensor_height = 0.17; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "AQD 5373"; :minimum = -0.10000000149011612; // double :maximum = 3.5; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float Roll_1217(time=7486, profile=512); :name = "Roll"; :long_name = "Instrument roll"; :generic_name = "roll"; :epic_code = 1217; // int :units = "degrees"; :FORTRAN_format = "f10.2"; :sensor_type = "Nortek HR Aquadopp Profiler"; :sensor_depth = 1.28; // double :initial_sensor_height = 0.17; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "AQD 5373"; :minimum = 0.800000011920929; // double :maximum = 5.300000190734863; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float SV_80(time=7486, profile=512); :name = "SV"; :long_name = "SOUND VELOCITY (M/S)"; :generic_name = " "; :units = "m s-1"; :epic_code = 80; // int :sensor_type = "Nortek HR Aquadopp Profiler"; :sensor_depth = 1.28; // double :initial_sensor_height = 0.17; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "AQD 5373"; :minimum = 1495.4000244140625; // double :maximum = 1547.300048828125; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :note = "Speed of sound used in velocity calculations"; float bin_depth(time=7486, depth=14); :name = "bin depth"; :units = "meters"; :long_name = "depth of velocity bins below surface (m)"; :initail_senosr_height = 0.17; // double :minimum = 0.5326237f, 0.48262373f, 0.4326237f, 0.38262373f, 0.33262372f, 0.2826237f, 0.23262368f, 0.18262373f, 0.13262372f, 0.082623705f, 0.032623693f, -0.017376317f, -0.06737627f, -0.11737628f; // float :maximum = 1.3761725f, 1.3261726f, 1.2761725f, 1.2261726f, 1.1761725f, 1.1261725f, 1.0761725f, 1.0261725f, 0.97617257f, 0.92617255f, 0.87617254f, 0.82617253f, 0.7761726f, 0.72617257f; // float :note = "Actual depth of velocity bins. Calculated as corrected pressure(P_1ac) - bindist."; :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float P_1ac(time=7486, profile=512); :name = "P"; :long_name = "CORRECTED PRESSURE (dbar) "; :generic_name = "pressure_ac"; :FORTRAN_format = "f10.1"; :units = "dbar"; :sensor_depth = 1.28; // double :initial_sensor_height = 0.17; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :minimum = 0.7335314154624939; // double :maximum = 1.6584500074386597; // double :serial_number = "AQD 5373"; :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :sensor_type = "Nortek HR Aquadopp Profiler"; :note = "Corrected for variations in atmospheric pressure using data from closest available MET station"; // global attributes: :SciPi = "N. Ganju"; :PROJECT = "USGS Coastal Marine Geology Program"; :EXPERIMENT = "Estuarine physical response"; :DESCRIPTION = "site CB03, Wildcat Point"; :DATA_SUBTYPE = "MOORED"; :DATA_ORIGIN = "USGS WHCMSC Sed Trans Group"; :COORD_SYSTEM = "GEOGRAPHIC"; :Conventions = "PMEL/EPIC"; :MOORING = "1020"; :WATER_DEPTH = 1.45; // double :WATER_DEPTH_NOTE = "(meters), nominal depth"; :latitude = 37.97484; // double :longitude = -75.34488; // double :magnetic_variation = -11.59; // double :Deployment_date = "25-Apr-2015"; :Recovery_date = "12-Jul-2015"; :platform_type = "SWIP"; :DRIFTER = 0.0; // double :POS_CONST = 0.0; // double :DEPTH_CONST = 0.0; // double :WATER_MASS = "Chincoteague Bay, VA/MD"; :VAR_FILL = 1.0E35; // double :institution = "United States Geological Survey, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center"; :institution_url = ""; :instrument_number = "2"; :mincorr = 0.0; // double :cutoff_ampl = 0.0; // double :LatLonDatum = "NAD83"; :ClockError = 0.0; // double :orientation = "UP"; :INST_TYPE = "Nortek HR Aquadopp Profiler"; :initial_instrument_height = 0.17; // double :initial_instrument_height_note = "from mooring log"; :nominal_sensor_depth_note = "WATER_DEPTH-initial_instrument_height"; :nominal_sensor_depth = 1.28; // double :transducer_offset_from_bottom = 0.17; // double :pred_accuracy = 0.0; // double :magnetic_variation_applied = -11.59; // double :zeroed_pressure = "Yes"; :WATER_DEPTH_source = "(meters), nominal depth"; :COMPOSITE = 0.0; // double :metadatafile_name = "run10202AQDHRd.m"; :metadatafile_author = "Steve Suttles"; :metadatafile_version = "0.0"; :serial_number = "AQD 5373"; :bin_count = 14.0; // double :bin_size = 0.05; // double :blanking_distance = 0.19; // double :center_first_bin = 0.24; // double :salinity_set_by_user = "35.0 ppt"; :salinity_set_by_user_units = "ppt"; :frequency = 1000.0; // double :beam_width = 3.4; // double :beam_pattern = "convex"; :beam_angle = 25.0; // double :history = "Mon Feb 01 11:10:43 2016: C:\\nco\\ncrename.exe -a .feneric_name,generic_name in\\nData cropped by user defined ensemble numbers;Data rotated into Earth Coordinates by aqdHRburstcdf2nc SVN $Revision: $ using a magnetic variation of -11.59; "; :start_time = "25-Apr-2015 19:30:00"; :stop_time = "12-Jul-2015 18:47:08"; :DELTA_T = 900.0; // double :AQDMeasurementBurstinterval = 900.0; // double :AQDCellSize = 50.0; // double :AQDOrientation = "UPLOOKING SHALLOW WATER"; :AQDExtendedVelocityRange = "OFF"; :AQDPulseDistanceLag1 = 0.99; // double :AQDPulseDistanceLag2 = 0.0; // double :AQDProfileRange = 0.7; // double :AQDHorizontalVelocityRange = 0.61; // double :AQDVerticalVelocityRange = 0.26; // double :AQDNumberOfCells = 14.0; // double :AQDAverageInterval = 1.0; // double :AQDBlankingDistance = 0.19; // double :AQDMeasurementLoad = 80.0; // double :AQDBurstSampling = "ON"; :AQDSamplesPerBurst = 512.0; // double :AQDSamplingrate = 4.0; // double :AQDCompassUpdateRate = 1.0; // double :AQDAnalogInput1 = "NONE"; :AQDAnalogInput2 = "NONE"; :AQDPowerOutput = "DISABLED"; :AQDPowerLevelfirstping = "HIGH-"; :AQDPowerLevelPing2 = "HIGH"; :AQDCoordinateSystem = "BEAM"; :AQDSoundSpeed = "MEASURED"; :AQDSalinity = "35.0 ppt"; :AQDNumberOfBeams = 3.0; // double :AQDNumberOfPingsPerBurst = 4.0; // double :AQDDeploymentName = "AQ1020"; :AQDWrapmode = "OFF"; :AQDDeploymentTime = "4/25/2015 8:00:00 AM"; :AQDComments = "Mooring #1020d CB03 SWIP at Wildcat Pt in seagrass meadow"; :AQDSerial_Number = "AQD 5373"; :AQDRecorderSize = "3886 MByte"; :AQDFirmwareVersion = "3.14 HR"; :AQDVelocityRange = "NORMAL"; :AQDAnalogPowerOutput = "BATTERY"; :AQDAnalogInputCal1 = -1471.0, 8826.0; // double :AQDAnalogInputCal2 = -1471.0, 8826.0; // double :AQDSyncOutDelay = "0 sec"; :AQDSyncPowerDelay = "0 sec"; :AQDPressuresensor = "YES"; :AQDCompass = "YES"; :AQDTilt = "YES"; :AQDFrequency = 1000.0; // double :AQDHeadSerialNumber = "ASP 3785"; :AQDTransMatrix = 1.5774, 0.0, 0.3677, -0.7891, -1.3662, 0.3677, -0.7891, 1.3662, 0.3677; // double :AQDPressureCal = 0.0, 0.0, 4034.0, 13177.0; // double :AQDNumBeams = 3.0; // double :AQDBeamWidth = 3.4; // double :AQDBeamPattern = "convex"; :AQDBeamAngle = 25.0; // double :AQDVelRange = 1000.0; // double :AQDTempRange = -4.0, 40.0; // double :AQDPressRange = 0.0, 100.0; // double :AQDHeadRotation = "horizontal"; :DATA_TYPE = "ADCP"; :VAR_DESC = "burst:bindist:u:v:w:P:Tx:AGC1:AGC2:AGC3:cor1:cor2:cor3:Heading:Pitch:Roll:SV:bin depth:P"; :AQDSamplingrate_units = "Hz"; :AQDFrequency_units = "kHz"; :pressure_comment = "P_1 contains data as measured by the sensor; P_1ac has been corrected for atmospheric pressure fluctuations and in some cases drift"; }